France/ MOOC Financial strategy for local authorities - Beginning 1 March 2021

Published on 26/01/2021 | La rédaction



Join the community of learners to reflect together on the notion of financial analysis of a community, understand the tools available and identify strategic orientations in order to propose coherent budgetary and financial choices.

The MOOC Financial Strategy for Local Authorities, which begins on March 1, 2021

This is a 4-week course. This course is intended for executives and students from local authorities in the countries where the Agence Française de Développement operates.

The aim is to learn how to carry out a financial analysis of a local authority and how to support partners in the development of their sustainable territory projects.

Register online:

Go further?

If you wish to go further and think about the retrospective and prospective financial strategy of your community, apply to join the tutored course: in small groups of around twenty participants, you will be accompanied by tutors throughout the training and together you will build a real learning network.

And why not, if you have a project for transforming your community, then why not join the week-long training course, face-to-face in Marseille, Rabat or Yaoundé!

This training course will require a real investment (between 5H00 and 8H00 per week), but your efforts will be rewarded by the delivery of skills badges (Open badges):

  • the Fundamentals (for the Mooc),
  • Mastery (for the tutored course) and
  • Expert (for the tutored course followed by the week in Marseille, Rabat or Yaoundé).


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