About us


In a globalised world, interactions and exchanges are multiplying. There are millions of us around the world contributing to decentralised cooperation, twinning and partnerships.

Everywhere, companies, local authorities, consular chambers, health establishments, secondary and higher education, associations, share their experiences, their ideas, their projects! In this way, they contribute to the expression of solidarity between peoples, alongside States and multilateral organisations.

This movement also comes up against the temptation to withdraw into oneself. Violence, populism, economic and social difficulties, etc., are all obstacles that justify the need for more exchanges, partnerships and twinning!

To meet these objectives, we offer you an overview of the most significant initiatives and actions in the field of decentralised cooperation.

Thanks to a network of correspondents being set up in almost all the continents as well as to the collaboration of the local diplomatic representations of the geographical areas covered, we are committed to providing information as close as possible to the current problems and realities in the field of decentralised cooperation.

Nestor Hemlé

Director of publication

The magazine

Jumelages & Partenariats is also a magazine that reports on the activities of the actors and facilitates the exchange of good practices.

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