World Conference on Gender in the Oil, Gas and Mining Sectors: Achieving Equality in a Changing World

Published on 10/01/2021 | La rédaction


The World Bank is organizing an online conference on March 3-4, 2021, on gender issues in the oil, gas and mining sectors.

Presentation (World Bank)

The global oil, gas and mining landscape is changing rapidly. Unprecedented digital upheavals and automation are transforming the opportunities available to the men and women working in the sector. Around the world, the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having major and differentiated impacts on men and women in the oil, gas and mining communities. At the same time, ongoing global efforts to decarbonize our societies are compounded by the additional challenge of the increased demand for minerals required for this transition.

How can gender equality be taken into account in the rapidly changing global oil, gas and mining landscape? What will be the impacts of a global crisis and possible recession on progress towards gender parity? These are some of the questions that will be addressed at the Second World Conference on Gender in Oil, Gas and Mining.

The Second World Conference on Gender in Oil, Gas and Mining will explore gender equality in the oil, gas and mining sectors as the world changes. The main objective is to enable governments, academia, industry and civil society to share and strengthen their knowledge for action to promote gender equality in the oil, gas and mining sectors. More specifically, the conference has the following objectives:

To provide a space for knowledge sharing, strategy development and project implementation, and to propose innovative approaches to closing the gaps that exist in the oil, gas and mining sectors.Provide a space for knowledge sharing, strategy development and project implementation and propose innovative approaches to bridge the gaps that exist in the oil, gas and mining sectors, particularly in light of the changing nature of work, the COVID-19 pandemic and the decarbonization of energy systems.

  • Review the progress made by various stakeholders since 2018 in minimizing gender gaps in the oil, gas and mining sectors with an emphasis on identifying gender dimensions related to technological change and changes in extractive and related infrastructure.
  • Identify the most pressing women's rights issues in the oil, gas and mining sectors.
  • Propose ways to further collaborate to improve gender equality in the extractive industries, to promote equitable and inclusive benefit sharing and to mitigate the harm suffered by women and girls in mining communities.
  • Establish methods for monitoring progress and accountability of gender equality initiatives.


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mélangeur de cuisine cuivreLe 02/03/2021 à 13:33

Article vraiment intéressant, merci.

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