France/CNRS: upcoming meetings and webinars on sustainable development
How can we reduce the impact of French research on the environment while maintaining its excellence? This central question, which concerns all CNRS laboratories, will be addressed during several awareness-raising and exchange activities.
In 2022, CNRS conducted its first national greenhouse gas emissions assessment. The organization then developed a low-carbon transition plan that aims to reduce the environmental impact of its research, while maintaining the excellence of the work carried out in the laboratories. The CNRS Sustainable Development Committee, in charge of implementing this plan, is now developing concrete measures to propose to CNRS management.
In this context, a major day dedicated to sustainable development will be held on Friday, April 7, 2023 at the CNRS auditorium and will be broadcast on the Internet. It will be preceded by an information webinar (February 28) and two preparatory workshops (March 2 and 17) to exchange on practices already implemented in laboratories (see details below).
To give structures the opportunity to share their experiences in the two exchange workshops, the following form is available: Sustainable Development Day ( )
Prior to these actions, the webinar "Why and how to initiate a transition in laboratories? "organized by Labos 1point5 for the directors of units of all supervisory bodies will be held on February 15, 2023 from 10:00 to 12:00 online (registration requiredhereIt will be introduced by Valérie Masson Delmotte and aims to detail and illustrate the benefits of a research-based approach using theGES 1point5.
Program of events CNRS
Tuesday, February 28, 1:30 pm to 3 pm
Webinar: Greenhouse gas assessment and CNRS transition plan: what role for unit directors?
- Presentation of the BGES and the low-carbon transition plan and discussion
- Presentation of the call for sustainable development projects for units
- Round table discussion on "scientific policy and reducing the environmental impact of research" with the participation of the directors of the Biological Sciences, Universal Sciences and Engineering and Systems Sciences institutes
Thursday, March 2 1:30-3:00 pm
Friday, March 17 1:30-3:00 pm
DU Web-workshops
Testimonials and exchanges on initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of units
Friday, April 7 (day)
Sustainable Development Day
Marie-Curie Auditorium and live broadcast
Labo 1point5 Webinar program
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 from 10am to 12pm
Webinar: Why and how to initiate a transition in laboratories?
- Marie-Alice Foujols (GDR Labos 1point5) | Introduction
- Valérie Masson-Delmotte (co-chair of IPCC Group I) | Why initiate a transition in laboratories?
- Tamara Ben Ari (Director of GDR Labos 1point5) | Interest of a research approach
- Feedback from IGE (Grenoble INP, CNRS, IRD, UGA) and MaIAGE (INRAE, Université Paris-Saclay) Open discussion
Registration required here