France/80 ha for housing by 2041 in the Anjou Bleu Communauté intermunicipality

Published on 25/04/2024 | La rédaction


The head of Anjou Bleu Communauté's planning department detailed what to expect for the territory between now and 2041, with the sustainable development project.

At the meeting held on April 18, as a preamble to the agenda, the sustainable development project (PADD) was presented by Thibault Plard, head of the Anjou Bleu Communauté (ABC) planning department, and Françoise Coué, ABC vice-president in charge of the Thibault Plard, head of the Anjou Bleu Communauté (ABC) planning department, and Françoise Coué, ABC vice-president in charge of the dossier.

The PADD is a document that defines the main development and planning guidelines for the whole of the Anjou Bleu Communauté.Anjou Bleu Communauté, and looking ahead to 2041 (subject to approval of the PLUi - local intercommunal urban plan - in 2025-2026). It sets quantified targets for reducing the consumption of space and combating urban sprawl. Since the adoption of the Climate and Resilience Act, the PADD must take into account the capacity to effectively mobilize vacant premises, wasteland and already urbanized areas.

Housing development around three poles

Through the PADD documents, Anjou Bleu Communauté is demonstrating its ambition to meet the following objective: to moderate the consumption of space and combat urban sprawl by around 50% compared to the consumption measured over the 2011-2021 period. This will enable the region to be divided in two, with the ultimate aim of achieving zero net artificialisation by 2041.

This expansion should not exceed 80 ha for housing and facilities development, and 80 ha for the development of economic activities, exclusively focused on the three poles: Segré/Sainte-Gemmes, Ombrée-d'Anjou/Pouancé and Candé.

More specifically, in terms of housing, the PADD provides for 25 homes per ha in the central hub of Segré/Sainte-Gemmes-d'Andigné; 20 homes per ha in the secondary hubs of Ombrée-d'Anjou/Pouancé and Candé; and 20 homes per ha in the central hub of Segré/Sainte-Gemmes-d'Andigné.Ombrée-d'Anjou and Candé; 17 dwellings per ha in Noyant-la-Gravoyère, Combrée and Saint-Martin-du-Bois; and 15 dwellings per ha for the other communes.

"Strengthen the centers of Candé and Pouancé".

When the PADD was presented to the elected representatives of Angrie, they expressed reservations about the project, "fearing that the Angers-Rennes axis would be favored to the detriment of Candé.

One paragraph of the PADD raised questions for the elected representatives. It states that " the document should strengthen the main towns of Candé and Pouancé, which are home to day-to-day facilities and services such as schools, hospitals, cinemas, services and shops". Several elected representatives questioned the inclusion of the Candé swimming pool in this document. It's a local service that reaches 25,000 people", said Nicolas Bouildé, deputy mayor.


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