Morocco/Fès-Meknès: Companies in the region made aware of the remission of CNSS late payment surcharges

Published on 30/11/2023 | La rédaction


On Wednesday, the Fès-Meknès Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIS) organized an information seminar on the remission of surcharges, penalty payments and collection costs owed by the Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS) for the 2024 and previous financial years.

The meeting, organized in collaboration with the Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM) Fès-Meknès, and the regional offices of CNSS Fès-Saiss and Meknès, was attended by a number of professional associations, economic players and business leaders.gional directorates of CNSS Fès-Saiss and Meknès, was attended by a number of professional associations, economic players and business leaders from the region. The event provided an opportunity to shed light on this scheme for reducing social security contributions.

Speaking at the event, Hamza Benabdellah, President of the CCIS Fès-Meknès, said that the aim of the meeting was to raise awareness among companies in the region of the new system of exemption from late payment penalties and surcharges.He added that the campaign, which kicked off in Fez, would cover all the region's provinces.

For his part, Omar Tajmouati, President of the CGEM Fès-Meknès, explained that this measure, approved by the CNSS Board of Directors last September, will wipe out late payments prior to December 2023. While encouraging companies to seize this opportunity to bring themselves into compliance, Mr. Tajmouati stressed that this exemption offers companies the opportunity to settle their CNSS debts and lift certain constraints such as seizures on business assets.

In a statement to MAP, Sayeh Ghita, Regional Director of CNSS Fès-Saiss, said that the meeting, which was held following the decision of the Board of Directors to decision of the CNSS Board of Directors held on September 22, 2023, and the decision of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, is aimed at improving the efficiency of the CNSS.conomie et des Finances, aims to answer the questions of companies in the region concerning the implementation of a provisional remission of late payment surcharges, astreintes and collection fees relating to CNSS debts for the period 12/2024 and earlier.

According to Ms Sayeh, this measure concerns all debtor companies and involves a partial rebate based on rates defined by CNSS. "These are discounts on penalties and collection costs of 60% and 90% on penalty payments in the event of full payment, 50% and 80% respectively for the 24-month payment facility, and 40% and 70% for a payment facility beyond 24 months", she explained.

To simplify the procedures for affiliated companies wishing to benefit from this discount, CNSS representatives announced the reactivation of a dedicated electronic service. From 07/11/2023, affiliated employers will be able to submit their applications via the Damancom portal, or via the link "".


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