Morocco/ The contribution of MREs to local development at the center of a meeting in Sidi Bennour

Published on 12/08/2022 | La rédaction


A communication meeting was held Wednesday at the headquarters of the province of Sidi Bennour, under the sign "The contribution of the Moroccan community living abroad to local development" in commemoration of the National Day of the Migrant.

This meeting, which comes in implementation of the high instructions of King Mohammed VI, was an opportunity to exchange with various economic and social actors on the contribution of Moroccans living abroad (MRE) to local development. Initiated by the province of Sidi Bennour, this meeting has highlighted the major role played by the Moroccan community living abroad in the economic development of their country, through their significant financial transfers.

Speaking on this occasion, the governor of the province of Sidi Bennour, Hassan Boukkouta, said that this day is an opportunity to highlight the achievements and aspirations of the MRE and to shed light on their significant contributions in the various development sites of their country. This meeting, he added, is an opportunity to exchange on the various contributions of this category of society in the development process of the country in accordance with a comprehensive and participatory approach aimed at promoting investment and creating employment opportunities.

The work of this meeting was marked by a fruitful debate, where the MREs have exposed without ambiguity the problems and difficultiess that plague them, while praising the communication bridges put in place to take charge of their reception process, to deal with their requests and study their complaints and grievances in better conditions.


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