Cities and coastal erosion: what resilience in West Africa?

The 7,000 km long West African coastline shared by Senegal, Togo, Nigeria and other countries is increasingly threatened by coastal erosion. Benin, for example, loses an average of four meters of shoreline per year along 65% of its coastline. What are the characteristics of this phenomenon and what are the main resilience measures at both national and sub-regional levels? Find out in this article, part of our special feature on seas and oceans.

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Humanitarian aid: French NGOs focus on local development

While the image of French humanitarian NGOs is dominated by that of the "French doctors", many other structures have developed cross-functional actions, combining access to water, food and healthcare, for example, with environmental regeneration. A French specificity that is sorely needed in beneficiary countries.

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Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: how to move from intention to realization?

The UN's Agenda 2030 promises to transform our world, but at the halfway point in 2023, only 15% of the Sustainable Development Goals have been achieved. Despite this, we must refuse resignation and draw inspiration from strategic management to breathe new life into this crucial utopia. Tribune.

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What's the difference between a town and a village?

Nowadays, when we think of a village, we think of a certain quality of life, a return to our roots and nature. But do we really understand the difference between town and village?

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Luxembourg/ Municipal mergers

Mergers are a way for communes to achieve very specific objectives in the interests of both communes and their citizens. So what advantages can a merger bring to a commune?

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Decentralization: a sensible solution to water shortages in Africa?

In a report on water stress in North Africa and the Middle East, the World Bank calls for a new approach to water management. The response to the water crisis requires "bold reforms", including the decentralization of water management to local authorities.

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Switzerland/Part-time work is attracting more and more Swiss people

More and more Swiss people are working less than 90% of their time. More and more men are opting for part-time work.

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Africa: how the diaspora can finance local development

The Senegalese diaspora transfers US$2,562 million in remittances annually, representing 10.5% of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

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Belgium/Child poverty: "A child should not miss school because of financial difficulties".

The pandemic of COVID followed by the economic crisis has direct consequences on the increase of poverty. This phenomenon does not spare children. According to the latest figures from Statbel, almost 13% of them suffer from material deprivation, i.e. they do not eat enough, do not have the right clothes or do not go on vacation. And this poverty does not stop at the school gates.

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Belgium/Local Action Groups, a real dynamic for rural areas

Europe and Wallonia promote rural development, in particular through the LAGs, the Local Action Groups. The objective is to encourage them to reflect on the potential of their rural territory and to bring out projects desired by citizens through associations but also companies, farmers, etc. The oldest in the Province of Luxembourg is the LAG of the Pays de l'Ourthe.

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France/International cooperation. How does the government support and supervise the diplomatic practices of local authorities?

Answer from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs: From a legal point of view, although local authorities cannot conclude international treaties or agreements, they can nevertheless be actors in international relations through territorial diplomacy.

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France/Adapting the functioning of local authorities to energy sobriety

Travel, digital use, teleworking, heating of public buildings... Rather than closing certain public services and penalizing users, the think tank Le Sens du Service Public recommends transforming daily life and adopting a sobriety plan in seven measures.

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How to make decentralization work

For several years, all political parties have included decentralization, in one form or another, in their list of electoral promises.

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Cameroon / Diplomatic meetings of the territories: innovative and multi-targeted audiovisual visiting cards, especially for the reception of the Ambassador of Belgium, the host of the day, on June 30, 2022 in Nkongsamba.

Announced for last March 31 and then postponed, by joint decision of the Ministers of External Relations and Decentralization and Local Development, the launch in Cameroon of the series of the said diplomatic meetings of the territories, a new program of promotion of good practices in local development through decentralized cooperation at the initiative of your international online media again envisaged on June 30 and July 1 in the department of Moungo

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Benin/Digital and citizen participation: thanks to Communes+, local democracy gets a new lease of life in Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi and Akpro-Missérété

With funding from the European Union in Benin, Le Municipal Foundation initiated and implemented the Communes+ Project, which provides specific answers to the challenges of citizen participation in Benin in general and in three communes in particular. Launched at the Conference Room of the Ministry of Decentralization and Local Governance in Cotonou, on July 26, 2019, by Minister Alassane SEIDOU in person, DigInfos looks back at this innovative digital solution, easily accessible and capable of solving in a revolutionary way, in a single investment the four (4) problems that undermine local governance. Communes+ has just been shortlisted for the 2022 "Good Practice in Citizen Participation" Award of the International Observatory of Participatory Democracy (IOPD).

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How to promote sustainable urban food systems in intermediate cities in Africa?

Local strategies and policies session at the Africities Summit 9

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Should the urban planning skills of African municipalities be strengthened?

Faced with the need to organize the massive, strategic and sustainable deployment of the African city, it appears necessary to densify communal capacities in the field of urban planning, so that the mark of the local permeates urban development.

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France/1982 - 2022: 40 years of decentralization

It was once considered an experiment, or at least an emerging mode of governance. Today, it has reached cruising speed. In four decades, decentralization has imposed itself on the French local political landscape. A reminder of the origins of the reform for the younger generations who may not have known about its beginnings, an assessment and ... prospects for the future: The Courrier du Parlement tells you everything about the new mode of governance that has marked the last quarter century.

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France/POINT DE VUE. Decentralization and territorial reform: an issue in the presidential election

The creation of true political regions has often been proposed over the past fifty years. By François Hulbert, geographer, university professor (*)

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