Côte d'Ivoire / A training project for Bocanda women in corn and soybean production and processing
The second vice-president of the N'Zi regional council, Niambé Kouadio Bernard, has announced that women from four localities in the Bocanda department (Centre-East, N'Zi region) will benefit from a training project for the large-scale production and processing of corn and soybeans, to empower them.
This information was made public at the council's first meeting, held on Saturday March 22, 2025, in the meeting room of Bocanda's Centre de lecture et animation culturelle (CLAC).of the Centre de lecture et d'animation culturelle (CLAC) in Bocanda, chaired by the acting prefect, Wincedi Zéréhoué, wife of Séri Bi.
According to M. Niambé, the first phase of this project, known as the pilot phase, involves the training of 400 women grouped into cooperatives in the villages of Ahali-Koliè-N'Zikro (subprefecture of Bocanda), Didiassa (sub-prefecture of N'Zècrèzèssou), Goli and Soh N'Guessankro (commune of Bocanda), on innovative agro-forestry themes.
"This project is part of our policy to promote the social integration of women through the creation of income-generating activities. It is jointly piloted by local firms, notably the Fonds de développement pour la formation professionnelle (FDFP), the Conseil régional du N'Zi, chaired by Lataille N'Guessan Koffi, and the Bocanda town council headed by Kramo Kouassi", he declared.
By the end of the project, over 1,000 women will have benefited from this empowerment training, it was announced.
Source: www.aip.ci/