France/Brittany: a major player in the insurance sector supports the local social economy

Published on 19/11/2024 | La rédaction


Over the years, the Talendi association (formerly Bretagne-Ateliers) and Groupama Loire-Bretagne have forged strong links based on risk management and shared values. A partnership based on trust and support for the local solidarity economy.

It's the story of a harmless incident, but one that speaks volumes. Last July, the portal of Talendi, a company specializing in the outsourcing of industrial and digital services, was damaged by a carrier. Éric Brizon, the company's financial director, contacted Alexandre Blon, business manager at Groupama Loire Bretagne. Within a few hours, the non-profit organization, formerly known as Bretagne-Ateliers, which had been operating in the region since 1975, had a solution adapted to the urgency of the situation: temporary protection was immediately put in place to ensure the safety of the site. This incident is particularly revealing of the relationship of trust and proximity between the insurer and its member: "Not a month goes by without us talking to each other, whether it's for information or to deal with a claim," stresses Éric Brizon.

Financial support and solidarity economy

In fact, the relationship between Talendi and Groupama, forged in 2016, goes far beyond simple claims management. Eager to support the economic development of the Breton structure, the mutual insurer acquired a number of associative shares as part of Talendi's 2021 fundraising campaign.

Groupama Loire Bretagne, a major financial partner of the association, is also one of the association's customers, regularly entrusting it with missions, particularly in the area of document dematerialization. This is a coherent partnership between the policyholder and his insurance company, in line with Groupama's commitment to supporting the local economy: "We work with the local fabric and, whenever possible, with our own members," says Alexandre Blon.

Tailor-made guarantees

A welcome guarantee of trust for the Breton structure, which has 550 employees - 420 of whom are recognized as disabled workers - and whose fields of activity extend largely to the automotive industry, but also to aeronautics, railways and cybersecurity. Hence the need for personalized support, tailored to the technical requirements and their inherent risks, as Éric Brizon explains: The relationship we've built up with Groupama enables us to adapt our cover to the constant changes in our business. Drawing on its knowledge of Talendi's activities, the insurer regularly adjusts its offers. For Alexandre Blon, each company has its own specific characteristics; our role is to understand and anticipate risks, so as to offer personalized support.

This tailor-made approach enables Talendi to conduct its business with peace of mind, with the assurance that its protection is in line with the realities of its sector. Everything happens at local level, from claims management to strategic decisions. For us, proximity is essential, and the basis of our ability to be responsive," concludes Alexandre Blon.


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