Burkina Faso/Central South Region: UNFPA aims to reduce unemployment among young people and women through non-timber forest products
This Thursday, April 18, 2024, the Governor of the Centre-sud region, Yvette Nacoulma/Sanou, proceeded with the regional launch of the project "Developing the resilience of women and young people to the effects of climate change as part of the Humanitarian - Development - Peace Nexus". Implemented by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), as part of the 8th cooperation program with Burkina Faso, this project is financed by Luxembourg to the tune of 5 million euros, or nearly 3.3 billion CFA francs.
The 27-month project is being implemented in four regions: Boucle du Mouhoun (BaléMouhoun), Hauts-Bassins (Houet, Tuy, Kénédougou), Cascades (Léraba and Comoé), and Centre-sud (Zoundwéogo and Nahouri). According to coordinator Ousmane Korbéogo, it aims to "strengthen the skills of women and young people aged 15 to 35 to better cope with the effects of climate change, but also to make them much more self-sufficient by increasing income while respecting the preservation and protection of the environment".
15,000 beneficiaries in the long term
The result of a partnership between UNFPA and Luxembourg, within the framework of the cooperation program between UNFPA and the government of Burkina Faso, the project will ultimately benefit 15,000 people, including 2,000 young people from youth organizations.
According to the coordinator, the organizational, technical and productive capacities of the women's and youth umbrella organizations involved in the non-timber forest products sector will be strengthened through training and the provision of equipment.
"The idea is to work with those who are already in the sector, but also to encourage other young job-seekers to embrace this sector, which is full of opportunities. We're also going to work on setting up savings and credit groups, equipping them with life skills and helping them deal with the problem of gender-based violence. It's a composite and well-integrated project," says the project coordinator.
Focus on communication
While congratulating the partners on the relevance of this timely project, the Governor of the Centre-sud region, Yvette Nacoulma/Sanou, noted thatIt is fully in line with the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD), as well as the "Référent-opportunités-insertion" initiative.
She invited UNFPA and its local partners to focus on wide-ranging communication to reach the project's real target group, in order to secure their commitment. She also appealed to the target groups to take ownership of the project by participating in the activities, and reassured them of her readiness to support them in the successful implementation of the project.
Source: lefaso.net/