Niger/Opening of the 10th Journées des Communes du Niger in Diffa: Reflections on local economic development in the context of the rebuilding of the Republic

Published on 29/02/2024 | La rédaction


The 10th edition of the Journées des Communes du Niger opened this Monday, February 26, 2024, in the amphitheater of the University of Diffa, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, Public Security and Territorial Administration, Mr. SAMAILA Idi Dan Bouzou. The conference will be held from February 26 to 28 under the theme "Local economic development in the context of the rebuilding of the Republic".

The Journées des communes du Niger, organized since 2006 by the Association des municipalités du Niger (AMN), is an opportunity for Niger's local authorities to get together in the same room to discuss the challenges facing communes.It is also an opportunity for them to promote local governance, strengthen their capacities and contribute to their own local economic development.

Opening the proceedings, Mr. Samaila Idi dan Bouzou, after congratulating the regional authorities on the perfect organization of the event and the "exceptional" welcome he had received, asked to all the Mayors of Niger present at the meeting, to continue to work for their populations, to accompany the National authorities for a good success of the military transition. According to him, the State expects these local authorities to "make an effective contribution to national sovereignty on the security, social, financial and economic fronts", as well as to "respect the law at all levels".

As for the Governor of the region, General Ibrahim Bagadoma, on behalf of the entire population of the Diffa region in general and that of the city of Diffa in particular, he expressed his gratitude to the local authorities for their support.of the Diffa region in general, and the city of Diffa in particular, welcomed ''all those who have come from the capital of the Rising Sun''. He also paid a "heartfelt tribute to the umbrella organization of Niger's municipalities, which has chosen to organize such a major meeting in our administrative entity, despite the various challenges it has faced".

For General Bagadoma, these types of meetings offer municipalities "opportunities to consult with each other, to analyze the implementation of decentralization in all its aspects, and to define new orientations with the experts who accompany you". The resilience to which we have been subjected," he says, "obliges us to explore new horizons.I therefore urge you to engage in these sincere and productive reflections, with a view to creating new groupings that will bring together the communities of the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

For his part, the President of the Association of Niger Municipalities, Mr. Abdou Ouhou Dodo, thanked all the Mayors who had made the trip from Diffa, but also and above all the Governor of the region for his total commitment to the success of these meetings.

The Niger 2024 Commune Day, he said, was "an opportunity to propose development actions that will meet the expectations of our country's authorities, against the backdrop of local economic development". He also stressed that local authorities have a "major and fundamental role to play over the long term in achieving the objectives of our country's refoundation". It is therefore necessary to involve local authorities in the design and implementation of refoundation programs", said Mr. Abdou Ouhou Dodo, President of AMN.

Earlier, the mayor of the urban commune of Diffa, Madame Barmou Asmaou Kantz, welcomed everyone and expressed her delight at the choice of her commune to host the 10th edition of the Niger communes day. Mr. Mohamadou Abonbar, mayor of Watagouna, center of Assongo, who had come to represent the municipalities of the sister Republic of Mali, was also present.


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