Algeria/ Biskra: first local women's art fair

Published on 28/02/2024 | La rédaction


The first edition of the local women's plastic arts fair opened on Tuesday at Biskra's Maison de la Culture Ahmed Redha Houhou, as part of an initiative to encourage artistic talent and promote cultural activities.

Placed under the slogan "Hope inspired by misfortune", the three-day event brings together canvases by artists from the expressive, expressionist, realist and symbolist schools, said Souhila Bernaoui, coordinator of the show.

The painted themes cover scenes from social life, natural landscapes, urban monuments and old town alleyways, emphasizing the presence of women and their activities.

The aim of the show is to discover new talents and present them to the public," said Ms. Bernaoui, who felt that these works deserved to leave the studios of these visual artists and be exhibited.

Initiated by Biskra's Maison de la Culture, the show was opened in the presence of a number of artists and intellectuals from the wilaya, who welcomed the initiative, which encourages women artists to go out and meet the public.


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