Cameroon-Central Africa/Benchmarking: Cameroon and CAR meet to discuss SMEs

Published on 22/02/2024 | La rédaction

Cameroun, Central African Republic

Achille Bassilekin III, Minister for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, the Social Economy and Handicrafts, received Hyppolite Jean-Paul Ngate Robard, Central African Minister for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Promotion of the Private Sector, in audience.

Achille Bassilekin III received Hyppolite Jean-Paul Ngate Robard in audience. The two protagonists took the opportunity to review cooperation between Cameroon and the Central African Republic in the SME and Crafts sectors, and then to exchange views on the preof the 11th Conference of Ministers of the Coordinating Committee for the Development of African Crafts (CODEPA), to be held in August 2024 in Brazzaville, Congo.

According to the Cameroonian Ministry of SMEs, Cameroon and CAR are members of several community organizations (CEMAC, CEEAC, OHADA), as well as the Comité de Coordination pour le Développement de l'Artisanat Africain (CODEPA).Artisanat Africain (CODEPA), which implies a common membership to various legal instruments related to the SME and craft sector, notably concerning investments, the free movement of people, goods, services and capital, and business law. In addition, a draft agreement in the SME and crafts sectors is currently being negotiated. The text has been initialled by both parties, but is awaiting signature.

SMEs and craftsmen from both countries also take part in a number of promotional events organized in each other's country. In the past, CAR has taken part in the Salon International de l'Entreprise, de la PME et du Partenariat de Yaoundé (PROMOTE), as well as in the current edition of the Salon International de l'Entreprise, de la PME et du Partenariat de Yaoundé (PROMOTE).dition, the Salon International de l'Artisanat du Cameroun (SIARC), the Salon International de l'Entrepreneuriat Féminine in Douala and the Foire Transfrontalière de la CEMAC (FOTRAC).

On leaving the audience, the Central African minister said he was ready to come and share Cameroon's experience in the SME sector. Discussions also provided an opportunity to review the topics under discussion within CODEPA, particularly with regard to the 11th session.

The two personalities agreed on the need to relaunch exchanges with a view to finalizing the draft cooperation agreement between the two countries in the fields of SMEs and handicrafts, in order to frame and boost technical cooperation between the two countries.


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