Togo/Rice industry development: Togo opts for the SMART VALLEYS approach

Published on 02/07/2024 | La rédaction


To develop its rice industry, Togo has opted for the "Smart Valleys" approach. Last week, 120 farmers in the Blitta region received training in this system, which involves simple, sustainable management of rice-growing lowlands, with support from the West African Food System Resilience Program (FSRP).

In concrete terms, the "Smart Valleys" approach enables rainwater to be better retained and managed in the fields, thus reducing fertilizer losses due to flooding. This translates into higher harvest yields.

During the training course, low-cost development techniques for better water and space management in rice fields were shared with rice growers.

To facilitate the implementation of this practice, growers were provided with landscaping equipment comprising tools such as wheelbarrows, boots, ropes, cutters, decameters and picks.

The training is part of Togo's efforts to achieve rice production of 1,115,087 tonnes by 2030.


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