Burkina Faso/Fight against meningitis in Koupéla: A vaccination campaign for more than 10,800 children

Published on 07/04/2021 | La rédaction

Burkina Faso

The high commissioner of the province of Kouritenga, Aïssata Angelina Traoré, officially launched the meningitis vaccination campaign for children from 0 to 23 months. A campaign initiated by the NGO Saida International, in partnership with the association Awa.

The official launch of this campaign was accompanied by a donation of equipment to fight against Covid-19, intended for the various health structures of Koupéla. It was on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 in the premises of the Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) of Koupéla.

Abigaëlle Kienou and Elysée Tologo, both 15 months old, received their dose of meningitis vaccine on 6 April amidst cries of joy. Like them, more than 10,800 children aged between 0 and 23 months will benefit from this meningitis vaccination campaign, which will run until 9 April at the Koupéla urban CSPS.

This vaccination campaign is an initiative of the NGO Saida International, in collaboration with the association Awa, in order to meet the needs of health structures in terms of vaccination. The initiative was welcomed by the high commissioner of the province of Kouritenga, Aïssata Angelina Traoré. According to her, everything that contributes to the achievement of the government's objectives in terms of child protection is to be welcomed. "That is why we can only encourage them [the two associations] so that the sectors in which they operate can flourish for the well-being of the people," said the High Commissioner.

In addition to the local authorities, the chief doctor of the Koupéla district, Dr Mohamed Guinko, is delighted with this vaccination campaign. According to him, thanks to the support of the NGO Saida and its partner the association Awa, they will not only be able to vaccinate 10,800 children against meningitis, but also more than 300 pregnant women against tetanus. More than 5,000 children will also benefit from antigens such as measles, rubella, etc.

Equipment to fight against Covid-19

The official launch of this vaccination campaign was also marked by a donation of equipment to fight against Covid-19, which is still relevant. Thus, about 300 hand washers, soap boxes and other protective materials were offered to the different health structures of Koupéla. According to Dr. Mohamed Guinko, "with this material, we are going to recall the barrier measures to fight effectively against this disease".

Meeting the needs of the district

It must be said that all these actions carried out in favour of Koupéla district meet a need expressed by the said health structure. According to the coordinator of the NGO Saida International, Élody Tiendrébéogo, "there are always needs that are expressed but the means are lacking to achieve them. We asked for their needs, and we responded. She also specified that the material for the fight against Covid-19 that was donated will be placed in the health structures where the need will be felt.

Ten years of action in the field

The NGO Saida International has been working in Burkina Faso in several areas. These include the protection of young girls against genital mutilation, child marriage, sexual education and access to surgery to repair obstetric fistulas. For this year, in addition to the vaccination campaign, it is planned to distribute health books and a grant to obtain birth certificates for 15,000 children.

Source: lefaso.net

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