Benin - PERERE/Combating violent extremism, forced recruitment and radicalization: a workshop to develop young people's resilience in the face of this scourge

Published on 19/09/2024 | La rédaction


Organized by the Réseau des Structures de Protection des Enfants en Situation Difficile ( ReSPESD ) in tandem with SOS Children's Villages in Benin, with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office, the workshop aims to build resilience among young people in this age group to the new scourges of radicalization and violent extremism.

Maxime AGOUA, ReSPESD's Head of Programs, referring to the project's title, "Preventing forced recruitment and radicalization of children and young people by providing them with safeguardsThe project covers the communes of Natitingou, Pèrèrè and Kandi. The First Deputy Mayor of Pèrèrè, Zakari YAROU KPINRO, on behalf of the Mayor who was unable to attend, thanked ReSPESD for choosing the commune. He also reminded the young people of the security issues and challenges at stake, to ensure that the project's objective is truly achieved.


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