France/"A real plus for the local economy": Indre increases its rural action fund to support investment
While the Cher department is freezing its aid to communes, the Indre department is betting on strengthening its rural action fund. An asset to encourage towns and villages to pursue day-to-day investments.
In the midst of a national budget storm, the Indre department likes to take its neighbors by surprise. And it's not the communes who are going to stifle their pleasure. In 2025, the Rural Action Fund envelope is up by 1.37%. In total, just over 3.4 million euros are proposed to finance day-to-day investments. " It's mainly earmarked for the renovation of buildings and maintenance of the road network", explains Roland Caillaud, president of the Indre association of rural mayors. If the sum were divided equally, it would represent around 14,000 euros for each commune. "Of course, this fund is moderate in its amounts, but it's a real plus. We still have needs and it helps the local economy", continues the mayor of Pouligny-Saint-Pierre.
Marc Fleuret accepts this increase. For the President of the Conseil départemental, this latitude is made possible by the absence of debt in the department and the budgetary prudence observed for several years in Indre. We're as close as possible to the needs of our residents," says Marc Fleuret, "These are small-scale projects, and small businesses have a hand in them, so they trickle down to local craftsmen.
Financing everyday, tangible projects for local residents
The scheme is simple: 10 cantons out of 13 (Châteauroux, Déols and Issoudun are not eligible) each receive a sum of between 160,000 and almost 500,000 euros for the year. It is then up to the departmental councillors to distribute the funds and select the projects. It's a choice that's made in a spirit of mutual understanding. "We talk to the project leaders, such as mayors or association presidents. This creates dialogue and proximity," says Claude Doucet. In his canton of Valençay, an envelope of 478,000 euros has been allocated for 2025.
There is no shortage of needs in rural communities. "One kilometer of road costs 40,000 euros to resurface. It's a lever to encourage communes to make investments," concludes the president of Indre's rural mayors.
The rural action fund also has a section dedicated to supporting cultural associations. On this front, it has been stable since 2021, amounting to 365,000 euros a year. "Associations and culture are essential in our regions. It shouldn't be reserved for certain parts of our country. It's a real tool for attractiveness", says Claude Doucet.