Benin - Lokossa/Salon de l'Emploi et des Compétences : ''2,590 job offers immediately available''.
Under the theme "Difficile insertion professionnelle des jeunes au Bénin : Diagnostic et approches de solutions par les employeurs", the commune of Lokossa hosted the launch of the 6th edition of the Salon de l'Emploi et des Compétences (SALEC), on Friday December 13, 2024 at the municipal stadium. In attendance were the Mayor of Lokossa, the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Employment Promotion, the Director General of the National Employment Agency, the Honorable Dakpè SOSSOU, and members of the Mono Departmental Administrative Conference.
Young people from the six communes of the Mono department turned out in large numbers to take part in SALEC. Spread over several stands, nearly 5,000 skill providers from around 35 companies took part in the event, offering more than 2,590 immediately available job vacancies. "Today in Lokossa, 2,590 people will find a job. SALEC is the flagship event that closes the National Employment Fortnight. After six years, we realize the importance of this instrument in resolving offers between employers and jobseekers," explained ANPE Managing Director Urbain AMÉGBÉDJI. In declaring the Salon de l'Emploi et des Compétences open, Minister Modeste KÉRÉKOU underlined the importance of this edition in reversing the curve of underemployment and youth unemployment. Despite the considerable and tireless efforts of the Beninese government, the professional integration of young people remains a major challenge," he said.Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi, which has played an intermediary role between job supply and demand, thanks to its one-stop shop for the promotion of employment in Benin. Without a doubt, the 6th edition of SALEC is a real springboard for youth employment.