Canada/Additional housing to help solve Sherbrooke's housing shortage

Published on 02/12/2024 | La rédaction


The construction of additional housing units has been permitted in Sherbrooke since the summer. However, it is not possible to do so outside the urban zone. Citizens outside this zone are still waiting their turn.

It should be remembered that the City of Sherbrooke had authorized the construction of these additional units in order to densify the urban area.

Gilles Grenier is a Sherbrooke resident and has an additional unit at home. No one can take advantage of it yet. It could be used by anyone who needs a place to stay," he explains.

The Sherbrooke native had his home and an accessory building built almost 20 years ago in the Deauville area. His plans were approved before the municipalities merged, and today it's impossible to live in this second home, which he calls his loft. Gilles Grenier does not have the necessary authorizations to welcome a tenant.

They're revising the bylaw to include non-urbanites, those with septic tanks and artesian wells. I think it's a great way to increase the supply of housing," says Gilles Grenier.

He's not the only Sherbrooke resident hoping to see the additional housing bylaw extended. Citizens in the Saint-Élie district also want to see it extended.

There really is a demand," says Saint-Élie district councillor Christelle Lefèvre. I regularly get citizens asking me when it's coming.

You have to remember that 30% of the territory is urban. Everything else is outside the urban zone.

A quote from Christelle Lefèvre, Saint-Élie district councillor

According to Ascot district councillor and chair of the Commission de l'aménagement du territoire, Geneviève La Roche, expanding the bylaw could provide a partial response to the housing crisis.

Often, they have large lots, so they have room for another dwelling," she says. We still have to make sure, and that's the point of having two different regulations, that a residence's facilities allow for the addition of a dwelling.

By spring, I'd like to put up a little sign in front of my house and make people happy.

A quote from Gilles Grenier, Sherbrooke resident

Christelle Lefèvre points out that the elected representatives will vote on the matter on Tuesday. Notice of motion will be given and the council will vote.


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