Vietnam and Laos strengthen cooperation in technology and innovation

Published on 29/05/2024 | La rédaction

Viet Nam

The first session of the Vietnam - Laos Technology and Innovation Cooperation Committee took place on Tuesday May 28 in Vientiane, Laos.

At the meeting, Vietnamese Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thành Dat and Lao Minister of Technology and Communication Boviengkham Vongdara agreed to expand bilateral cooperation in technology and innovation.

They discussed various forms of joint work to respond to each country's sustainable development strategies and the new international context, in phase with the fourth industrial revolution and current global development trends.

The two sides agreed to consult each other systematically on the organization and management of technology and innovation, in order to make effective use of both countries' potential in this field.

With regard to the direction of cooperation for the period 2024-2026, they agreed to continue sharing experiences in public management and policy planning, while supporting the construction of institutional and legal frameworks related to high-tech, high-tech zones and innovation.s related to high-tech, high-tech zones, technology services, innovation management, entrepreneurship and technology transfer.

The two sides also agreed that officials from the two ministries will make regular visits and work together, and that working groups will be exchanged to carry out mid-term assessments of the parties' implementation of high-level agreements and discuss future directions for cooperation.

They will collaborate on research, development, applications and technology transfer in various fields, including Industry 4.0 technologies (AI, IoT, big data, cloud computing), information technology, start-ups, digital transformation, remote sensing technology, geology and minerals, agriculture and forestry, and the environment.agriculture and forestry, medicine, biotechnology, conservation of agricultural products, renewable energies, irrigation, water resources and climate change.

The two sides agreed to organize one or two training courses a year on science, technology and innovation management. They also encouraged participation in activities and events that promote connectivity between supply and demand, technology transfer and innovative entrepreneurship, organized annually by both countries.


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