France/ Working closely with Corsican elected representatives to support regional development

Published on 30/04/2024 | La rédaction


Following on from the Conference of Parties, held at regional level to launch the ecological planning process, and the Local Committee for Territorial Cohesion in Corse-du-Sud, held on March 15, the meeting organized at the Prefecture on Wednesday April 24 was very well attended by elected representatives from the Ajaccio district and the main public engineering partners. A similar meeting was held the following day with elected representatives from the Sartène district.

3 themes have been targeted in terms of engineering:

- revitalizing the centrality of my territory

- understanding and better managing changes in water resources

- preparing the territorialization of ecological planning

The next stage, in the autumn, will be to meet with elected representatives from each EPCI to draw up an assessment of the contracts for ecological recovery and transition (CRTE), now renamed "contracts for the success of ecological planning".s "contrats pour la réussite de la transition écologique" (contracts for the success of the ecological transition) for the period 2021-2026 as the end of the mandates approaches, and to support the preparation of the next contractualizations.

The French government is committed to mobilizing its services and operators to help local authorities move away from the logic of individual projects, and focus more on joint strategies, the pooling of resources and the development of new projects.and services, the attractiveness of the region, the implementation of projects of shared interest...

Future CRTEs will also have to be more ambitious when it comes to ecological transition, as climate change increasingly impacts on our lifestyles and regional development.

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