Congo/Capacity building: training documents for civil society leaders validated

Published on 09/09/2024 | La rédaction


At a workshop in Brazzaville on September 7, civil society representatives validated the diagnostic report, capacity-building plan and training modules for the indigenous population and local communities (PACL).

Twenty-five participants attended the workshop, including members of the national steering committee and members of similar projects. They discussed the documents produced by the non-governmental organization Monde Action, presented by its consultant Charles Roger Diankembo.

The documents were produced as part of the Dedicated Grant Mechanism (DGM) project, implemented in the departments of Sangha, Likouala and Plateaux, with the aim of promoting sustainable livelihoods for indigenous peoples and local communities, strengthening their capacity to manage their own resources, and promoting the development of local communities.s, to strengthen their capacity to engage in the sustainable management of natural resources within the framework of the Redd+ process, for which Congo had obtained a US$4.5 million grant from the World Bank.

Charles Roger Diankembo took the opportunity to present the objectives of each document. They are to analyze the potential and weaknesses of these various organizations in fulfilling their main functions; to develop the beneficiariesThe objectives of each document are to analyze the potential and weaknesses of these various organizations in fulfilling their main functions; to develop the financial management and accounting skills of beneficiaries; and to develop the skills of indigenous women in climate-smart farming practices.

In his speech, Rock Borgia Otoungou Ndza, coordinator of the DGM Congo project's national implementing agency, listed the project's three components. Component 1, focused on the promotion of income-generating activities for the sustainable management of natural resources, aims to support the implementation of activities that improve the livelihoods of the indigenous population and local communities. Component 2 on institutional strengthening aims to ensure the sustainable management of ecosystems and savannahs in Congo, within the framework of climate-smart agroforestry and Redd+, while component 3 on project management aims to support the agency's administrative management and project monitoring and evaluation.

According to him, component 1 aims to cover some 2,960 households and fifty-eight economic interest groups, as well as eight nurseries.conomic interest groups, as well as eight nurseries and educational farms for the creation of income-generating activities. Component 2 will train around 2,000 households and build the capacity of members of the national steering committee, while the other component will focus on mapping the lands, terroirs and finages of indigenous peoples.


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