Niger/Sustainable development: the government and technical and financial partners informed about the national priority of the PDES 2022-2026 and the Framework Cooperation Plan 2023-2027

Published on 03/11/2022 | La rédaction


The Nigerien government, the Technical and Financial Partners (TFP), and other stakeholders were briefed on Tuesday, November 01, 2022, on the national priority of the 2022-2026 ESDP and the measures proposed to support the sustainable development of Niger, and the 2023-2027 Cooperation Framework Plan.

Organized under the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in partnership with the Ministry of Planning and the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, the objective of this advocacy day is to present the challenges and opportunities for Niger's development through the SEOP 2022-2026 and the CCP 2023-2027, in order to mobilize a strong partnership between all stakeholders.The objective of this advocacy day is to present the challenges and opportunities for Niger's development through the PDES 2022-2026 and the PCC 2023-2027, in order to mobilize a strong partnership between all stakeholders.

This activity, which is being held as a prelude to the Donors' Round Table and the Investors' Forum scheduled for December 5 and 6, 2022 in Paris under the effective presidency of the President of the Republic, HEM. This meeting, which is being held in the presence of the President of the Republic, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Bazoum, comes after the press conference organized by the Government on October 29, 2022, as part of the solemn launch of the Communication on the Round Table on the PDES 2022-2026. For the implementation of the PDES 2022-2026, the government hopes to raise nearly CFAF 7,000 billion from technical and financial partners, in addition to the CFAF 4,000 billion expected from the private sector, for a total budget estimated at nearly CFAF 20,000 billion, of which about CFAF 9,000 billion is from the State's own funds.

The official ceremony to launch the activities of this day of advocacy for the implementation of the Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES) 2022-2026 and the United Nations Cooperation Framework Plan was presided over by the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Finance.The event was chaired by the Minister of Planning, Dr. Rabiou Abdou, in the presence of several members of the Government, the Coordinator of the United Nations System in Niger, Ms. Louise Aubin, the Governor of the Region of Niamey, Mr. Oudou Ambouka, members of the National Council for the Development of the Niger, the National Commission for UNESCO, the National Commission for UNESCO, the National Commission for the Promotion of the Status of Women, the National Commission for the Promotion of the Status of Women and the National Commission for the Promotion of the Status of Women. Oudou Ambouka, the Presidents of the Republic's institutions, national deputies, Ambassadors of several of Niger's partner countries, Honorary Consuls and Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Heads of United Nations Agencies, Representatives of Organizations and Cooperation, and other officials.Representatives of Civil Society Organizations, Representatives of the Private Sector as well as several guests.

After the welcome address by the Governor of the Niamey region, Mr. Oudou Ambouka, who welcomed the participants to the event, the participants were invited to participate in the event. Oudou Ambouka, who praised the efforts made by technical and financial partners to support the State, the Coordinator of the United Nations System in Niger emphasized in her address that it is in concerted support of the PDES that the United Nations System has prepared a Framework Cooperation Plan for development in Niger.

The concomitant preparation of the two documents, said Ms. Louise Aubin, has allowed for an alignment of the country's priorities retained in the General Policy Statement that inspired this work.

"I would like to appreciate the vision of the President of the Republic of Niger and the leadership of the Prime Minister for these strategic and transformative orientations that invite us to accelerate our development efforts. I would like to commend the inclusiveness observed by the government in the development of the PDES. The technical and financial partners, but also the representatives of civil society organizations and the private sector have contributed effectively, as the driving forces of the nation, in defining the major national priorities for the next five years," she said.

Challenges and opportunities of the 2022-2026 ESDP

In her speech, the Coordinator of the United Nations System suggested that since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, Niger has "made a significant contribution to the development of the country.Agenda 2030, Niger has "domesticated" all the Sustainable Development Goals in its two five-year declinations of the vision for Niger: PDES 2017-2021 and now that of 2022-2026.

"Knowing that too many of the Sustainable Development Goals are not achievable if we continue on the current trajectory, we must make the implementation of this plan a priority with the support of all.Niger is full of potential and opportunities and each Nigerien must maximize his or her contribution to the country's development with the support of partners," she pleaded.

For Ms. Louise Aubin, at the end of the implementation of the first PDES and despite the hazards encountered over the past three years, the fruits of the collective efforts of the various stakeholders are being felt both in terms of economic growth and improvement in the provision of basic social services. These advances are documented, she said, by the latest Human Development Report 2021-2022, which shows Niger's ranking improving, as well as by growth forecasts of 7% for 2022 and 16% for 2023.

"For example, in the area of health, maternal and infant mortality rates are falling. The policy of free health care for children under 5 and pregnant women in place since 2006, coupled with national vaccination campaigns, have tangible results," added the Coordinator, for whom there is certainly notable progress, but challenges remain, particularly on security, environmental, humanitarian and social issues. In terms of education, she said, despite the considerable efforts made by the Government with the support of partners, 2.6 million children and adolescents between the ages of 7 and 16 are still out of school.

"With regard to school infrastructure, in addition to the low level of electrification, there is still a significant number of straw classrooms (31,688 in primary and 3,547 in secondary schools in 2019), sometimes endangering the lives of learners as we deplored with the deadly fires last year. In terms of security, like other Sahelian countries, Niger continues to face attacks by non-state armed groups. In the area of food security, acute malnutrition remains a reality for many Nigeriens," Aubin said.

In any case, the UN system coordinator made an important appeal to partners, "to face these different economic challenges, Niger needs support from the international community.In any case, the UN System Coordinator addressed an important appeal to the partners, "to face these different challenges, Niger needs us, its technical and financial partners, and I want to believe through our generous commitments that we will be up to the expectations of the new PDES 2022-2026".

The United Nations Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development (PCC 2023-2027)

"As for the United Nations Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development (PCC 2023-2027), it is the joint commitment of the United Nations System through which, on the one hand, means are maximized through the search for synergies and, on the other hand, through the development of a common strategy.the one hand, resources are maximized by seeking synergies and, on the other hand, opportunity costs are minimized by moving from the siloed approach of the Millennium Development Goals to adevelopment goals to a more integrated approach within the framework of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals," she said.

And under the reform of the United Nations promoted since 2019 by the Secretary General Antonio Guterres, continued the coordinator, the Cooperation Framework has taken a much more strategic form for the United Nations in the country. For Ms. Aubin, the contribution of UN agencies, funds and programs to this framework determines the relevance of their presence in the country. The development of the Cooperation Framework, she said, has subsequently been guided by the spirit of collaboration for the well-being of the resilient people of Niger with a particular focus on vulnerable groups.

In order to have an impact commensurate with the government's transformative ambitions on strategic priorities and outcomes by 2027, according to Coordinator Luise Aubin, the UN is putting in place flagship programs.

"What do we mean by flagship programs? They are large-scale, concerted, catalytic interventions. Through this approach, we seek greater effectiveness in our contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals. To this end, through broad consultations with our partners, including populations, we are developing four flagship programs around the following themes i) food security and climate change; ii) education; iii) the rule of law; and iv) Saraounia for the empowerment of women," she said.

In order to succeed in this mission, to save the goals of sustainable development, the United Nations, insisted We need the collaboration of all; national and local authorities, technical and financial partners, national and international NGOs, civil society and the private sector.

Our collective and concerted action has a transformative potential that is far greater than the sum of its parts. Together, let us participate in this bold adventure; to make Niger by 2035 "a united, democratic and modern country, peaceful, prosperous and proud of its cultural values, underpinned by sustainable, ethical, equitable and balanced development, in a united and supportive Africa" she concluded.

A round table to complete the financing of the PDES 2022-2026

Rabiou Abdou, stressed that one of the major challenges facing the implementation of PDES 2022-2026 is the mobilization of the necessary funding for its implementation. In this sense, he said, the State of Niger is making substantial efforts within the framework of the Public Finance Management Reform Program (PRGFP V) 2021-2025 and the Economic and Financial Program (PEconomic and Financial Program (PEF) 2021-2024, with a view to substantially mobilizing internal resources and improving the efficiency of public spending.

To complete these actions, the Minister recalled that a round table of donors and investors is to be organized in order to complete the financing of the 2022-2026 ESDP, the overall cost of which is estimated at CFAF 19,427.6 billion.

"I take this opportunity to reiterate my wishes for massive support from technical and financial partners and the private sector so that the Round Table is a complete success," he said.

After the official opening of the activities of this advocacy day, the Ministry of Planning and the United Nations System successively presented After the official opening of the advocacy day, the Ministry of Planning and the United Nations System successively presented the Economic and Social Development Plan (ESDP) 2022-2026 and the Cooperation Framework Plan (CFP) 2023-2027 to the audience.

This was followed by enriching discussions between the various stakeholders.

The official signing of the United Nations Cooperation Framework (CCF) 2023-2027 by the Minister of Planning, Dr. Rabiou Abdou, and the United Nations System Coordinator in Niger, Ms. Louise Aubin, marked the end of this advocacy day.This advocacy day is an important springboard for Niger and its partners, in view of the Paris meeting for the Donors' Round Table and the Investors' Forum scheduled for December 5 and 6, 2022, in favor of the implementation of the 2022-2026 ESDP.


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