France/ The Saint-Thurien twinning committee welcomes its Irish friends from Kilmacow

Published on 28/07/2024 | La rédaction


Saint-Thurien has been twinned with the Irish town of Kilmacow for almost 30 years. This year, the people of Saint-Thurien welcomed their guests as soon as the boat arrived.

It will soon be 30 years since the communes of Saint-Thurien and Kilmacow, in the south-east of Ireland , County Kilkeny, became twinned. Since 1995, Breton and Irish friends have met every year in the summer, alternating between Kilmacow and Saint-Thurien.

The Irish on Breton soil

This year, the meeting was held in Saint-Thurien. Anne Marie Sévennec, president of the twinning committee, and the members of the committee had planned a wide-ranging program, enabling the Irish to discover a number of emblematic towns and places.

The Thuriennois welcomed their friends from Kilmacow when the boat arrived in Roscoff on Sunday. The day continued at Océanopolis, before settling in with their host families in Saint-Thurien.

A busy program

The week also included an exploration of the La Roche-Bernard region, a visit to the Musée du Faouët, dedicated to Breton culture, an outing to Saint-Michel de Brasparts and a visit to the Brennilis site. On Thursday morning, they hiked around the commune, and enjoyed Pont-Aven in the afternoon.

"We're always delighted to get together, share good times and show off our region and commune, even if our Irish friends know it well by now", conclude Anne Marie Sévennec and the committee members.

And the tradition shows no signs of stopping. Anne Marie Sévennec confirms: "We've already set a date to meet again next year, to celebrate our thirtieth twinning anniversary together, as we should.


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