France/ Littering: how this commune is taking action near Flers

Published on 01/12/2023 | La rédaction


In Cerisy-Belle-Étoile (Orne), signs have been installed at the entrances to the commune to raise awareness of the problem of littering.

The commune of Cerisy-Belle-Étoile (Orne, France) has installed nine panels, following the provision of visuals designed by the association Environnement et vie en pays de Briouze.

They feature a number of animals emblematic of our bocage, with a view to raising awareness and improving individual behavior with regard to littering.

The signs, installed by members of the municipal council, are located on the main access roads to the commune: route de Saint Pierre d'Entremont, route de Caligny, route de Montsecret, route de Landisacq, route de Flers.

The municipality of Cerisy-Belle-Étoile hopes that this will have an effect on the behavior of road users.


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