France/ In Réville, the Ciné Saire is multiplying its partnerships and film-debate evenings

Published on 27/07/2024 | La rédaction


The Ciné Saire association continues to organize cinema-debate evenings in Réville (Manche). To offer a wider range of events, partnerships have been set up with religious organizations.

Recently, as part of the Salon du livre de la Hougue, the Ciné Saire association invited Cherbourg author Alexis Salatko to talk about his book Jules et Jo, after the screening of a Jules Dassin film.

Over the past fifteen years, the association has forged partnerships with a number of cultural events. The one with the La Hougue book festival has existed for fifteen years. Every year, one of the authors chooses a film and comes to discuss it with the audience in the evening," says Brigitte Hautemanière.

Long-term partnerships

These partnerships are set to continue. On August 25, the Traversées Tatihou festival will be our partner. We'll be screening Jacques Perrin's Le peuple migrateur. For the debate, we've invited the Corsican group A Filetta, who sing a cappella. They did part of the film's soundtrack," continues Brigitte Hautemanière.

As part of another partnership, this time with the Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue blues festival, Ciné Saire will be screening Cadillac records on October 25. The guest speaker will be international harmonica player Greg Zlap. From November1 to 3, as part of the "Week-end Ciné Saire", we'll be showing the Apu trilogy by Indian director Satyajit Ray.

Alexis and the Val-de-Saire

Author Alexis Salatko makes no secret of his passion for Val-de-Saire. It's a place where I often went for walks when I was younger, because I had a friend who was an oyster farmer. I love the landscapes here, they're like film sets. This region is in my DNA," declares the writer, who is currently working on two writing projects. One on Jacques Prévert and one autobiographical. I'll be telling the story of how I became a writer in Cherbourg and how this town made me become a writer.


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