Benin/Journée Communale de l'Emploi: AnpE in contact with young people in Agbangninzoun

Published on 01/12/2023 | La rédaction


Yesterday, Thursday November 30, 2023, the commune of Agbangninzoun in the Zou department hosted the Journée Communale de l'Emploi (JEC) celebration. The event brought together not only young people and local administrative and political leaders, but also officials from the Agence nationale pour l'Emploi (AnpE).

The "Journée Communale de l'Emploi" (local employment day) is one of the flagship activities of the "Quinzaine de l'Emploi" (employment fortnight) organized each year by the Agence Nationale pour l'Emploi (AnpE). This celebration provides a forum for communication and exchange with local young people on local economic potential and the services offered by players in the employment promotion chain at local level. At the end of the various communications scheduled for the day, job opportunities will be presented to young people in the commune of Agbangninzoun. The Journées Communales de l'Emploi are organized to enable young people in the commune of Agbangninzoun to find out about the economic potential and employment opportunities available in their area, and also to find out about the services offered by the actors in the commune's employment promotion chain.

Félix Tossou, representing the Managing Director of the Agence nationale pour l'Emploi, explained that the national agency was created by the government to "put into practice the principles of employment promotion".e by the Government for "the operational implementation of the national employment policy, in collaboration with the relevant national and international structures. According to him, AnpE's mission is carried out in partnership with local authorities, notably by virtue of the territorialization of employment policy. "It is in this context that the Commune of Agbangnizoun, like the others, maintains a partnership with AnpE. Among the results already achieved, it should be noted that a Municipal Employment Policy (PCE) document has been drawn up, along with a strategy for its operationalization. These days, known as Journées Communales de l'Emploi (JCE), are also part of the partnership's activities," explains Félix Tossou. For him, AnpE is delighted that the Agbangnizoun JCE coincides with the 12th annual Quinzaine Nationale de l'Emploi (National Employment Fortnight), which kicked off on November 27 and runs until December 8, 2023.

"Thousands of young people work in our communes, particularly in Agbangnizoun, but very few are aware of the actions and other measures taken by communal authorities to promote employment at grassroots level. As information is vital in all things, and especially in terms of finding employment opportunities, it is important that they have information on the actions and measures undertaken by the central government and the municipality in favor of employment and local development. The aim of the Journées Communales de l'Emploi is therefore to inform the youth of Agbangnizoun about the actions and measures taken by both the government and the mayor's office to promote youth employment.The representative of the Director General of AnpE went on to say that "the aim is to inform the young people of Agbangnizoun about the actions and measures taken by both the government and the town council to promote youth employment, so that they know what to look out for, and can better orient themselves in their quest for employment".

The mayor of Agbangnizoun thanked AnpE for choosing to host the event. The Journée Communale de l'Emploi ends on December 1, 2023.


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