Burkina Faso: More than 19,000 girls and women reached by the PROMESSE-FP project

Published on 10/12/2024 | La rédaction

Burkina Faso

The non-governmental organization Solidar Suisse held its review workshop for the Promotion de l'accès des filles à un système éducatif et de formation professionnelle de qualité (PROMESSE-FP) project, this Thursday, December 5, 2024 in Ouagadougou.

Begun in May 2021, the PROMESSE-FP project aims to improve access for girls and women in the intervention regions to a quality education and vocational training system and to decent incomes.
In terms of results achieved, the project achieved a physical execution rate of 97% and a budget execution rate of 92% in September 2024.

According to Dieudonné Zongo, Solidar Suisse's country representative, the activities were aimed at building the capacities of girls and women in skills whose trades were identified in line with the region's potential. Training was also provided to develop entrepreneurial leadership skills.

According to the lead partner of the Solidar Suisse EDUCO and AFLATOUN consortium, the Aflatoun approach to social and financial education, which is based on the principles of social justice, is a key component of the project.ducation sociale et financière (social and financial education), which, after various trade training courses, equips girls and women to deploy their activities.

The PROMESSE-FP project has made some beneficiaries multi-skilled. "You have, for example, a girl who has just left a center. She can bead, make soap, embouche and do hairdressing in her salon. She gets up in the morning. She feeds her sheep. Then she comes to the center with items she can sell while she's working," he explained.

Some achievements

Several activities have been carried out. In terms of access to vocational training, employment and economic empowerment for girls, PROMESSE-FP recorded 19,364 beneficiaries, including 6,464 internally displaced persons.

With regard to the promotion of Social and Financial Education (ESF), two manuals and their user guides were produced with the involvement of actors from the Ministry of National Education.
As for the promotion of sexual rights and reproductive health, 200 schools have been provided with communication materials; 200 gender-sensitive clubs have been set up in 200 post-primary and secondary schools, and 5,000 menstrual hygiene management kits have been distributed to project beneficiaries.

A model to inspire action

The General Directorate for Education, Technical and Vocational Training (DGEFTP) welcomes this project. "With an integrated and adapted approach, it has enabled us to reach over 19,000 young girls and women in terms of capacity building and concrete opportunities to access decent jobs.opportunities to access decent jobs and income-generating activities", said the Director of Vocational Training and Apprenticeship, Koudpiga Yerbanga.

In his remarks, he affirmed that the PROMESSE-FP project has helped to reduce youth unemployment, while responding to the specific challenges of the regions concerned. "This project is a model that should inspire larger-scale interventions in all regions of the country", recommended the representative of the Director General of Education, Technical and Vocational Training.

On behalf of the technical and financial partners, the Head of Cooperation at the Dutch Embassy in Burkina Faso, Maarten van den Bosch, reassured them that they would be strengthening socio-economic prospects in order to contribute to the country's stability. "With this project, we hope that the government and the private sector will continue to support vocational training, because we need to create opportunities for young people and girls," he said.

The regions covered by the project are North, Centre-North, Sahel and East.

The PROMESSE-FP project is financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the technical services of the State of Burkina Faso to the tune of 5.8 billion FCFA.

Source: lefaso.net/

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