Canada/A facelift to attract new families to Saint-Adrien
New youth center, brand-new schoolyard, updated church square.... Saint-Adrien has spared no expense in attracting new families by carrying out a series of works to improve its facilities.
We've been blown away this year by all the projects and issues we've tackled," says Saint-Adrien mayor Pierre Therrien.
These five projects, the majority of which have been completed, cost a total of over $2 million.
The last few years have been intense, productive and exhilarating. The future looks bright.
A quote from Pierre Therrien, Mayor of Saint-Adrien
An additional garage door was added to the municipal garage to make room for a fire truck. Range 2 has been refurbished.
This Friday, young people aged 12 to 17 will be able to enjoy the brand-new youth centre.
Before, the youth centre was in the elementary school, but since it needed an extra classroom, we were evicted," points out Annie Dion, general manager of the Association des groupes jeunesse de l'Or blanc. She estimates that the new youth centre meets around 80% of the teenage population.
As for the elementary students, they have a brand-new schoolyard, newly equipped with large wooden structures.
It makes a huge difference in the lives of our young people to have a place where they can play, move around and be creative," explains one of the instigators of the school park, David Savoie.
A library project on Main Street could also eventually see the light of day.