France - Lebanon/ Fonds de concours - support for the people of Lebanon

Published on 19/10/2024 | La rédaction

France, Lebanon

Since mid-September 2024, the worsening situation in Lebanon, and in particular the Israeli army's bombardments in the south and east of the country, have already caused several thousand casualties, injuries and displaced persons. To support the civilian population in Lebanon, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, via its Crisis and Support Center, has activated, at the Minister's request, the "fonds de concours" which can receive financial contributions from local authorities (FACECO) and companies.

Donations to these funds will support France's emergency response to the essential needs of affected communities. On the one hand, they will make it possible to carry out humanitarian aid delivery operations, similar to the one on September 29, 2024, which enabled 12 tons of medical equipment and medicines to be sent in partnership with the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the European Union and the French government.medical equipment and medicines to Lebanese hospitals and partner NGOs, in partnership with the French Ministry of Defence, the European Union and the Tulipe association. They will also help strengthen France's support for partner NGOs working in Lebanon.

What are the advantages for your community?

- The guarantee that your funds will be managed by government officials who are experts in emergency humanitarian aid and who work closely with NGOs and international organizations;

- the assurance that your funds will contribute to a coordinated and appropriate response to the crisis;

- the priority given by the MEAE to the traceability of funds disbursed, and the Ministry will keep you closely informed of actions taken.

What are the advantages for your company?

- The guarantee that your funds will be managed by government officials who are experts in emergency humanitarian aid and work closely with NGOs and international organizations;

- the assurance that your funds will contribute to a coordinated and appropriate response to the crisis;

- the priority given by the MEAE to the traceability of funds disbursed: the Ministry will keep you closely informed of actions taken;

- in accordance with the provisions of article 238 bis of the French General Tax Code, your contribution will entitle you to a tax reduction, on production of a tax receipt (Cerfa n° 11580*04) issued by DSFIPE (



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