SENEGAL-SOCIAL / Community resilience: 12,000 vulnerable people targeted by a project in Kanel and Matam

Published on 08/08/2024 | La rédaction


The "Strengthening the resilience and socio-economic empowerment of women, young people and vulnerable communities in northern Senegal" project targets 12,000 vulnerable people in the departments of Matam and Kanel, said Ibrahima Sory Baldé, deputy technical coordinator for food security and livelihoods at the NGO Action contre la Faim (ACF), on Wednesday.

It's an emergency project that acts not in terms of households, but in terms of individuals. We expect to reach 12,000 vulnerable people in the departments of Matam and Kanel", he declared.

Mr. Baldé was speaking at the launch of the project, attended by the governor of the Matam region, Mouhamadou Moctar Watt, and several administrative authorities.

"This project has a strong focus on employability and the socio-economic integration of young people", he said, recalling that it began in March 2024 and will run for two years.

The project involves ten communes and twenty villages in the beneficiary departments, four in Kanel and six in Matam. These are the communes of Ouro Sidy, Sinthiou Bamambé, Thilogne, Dabia, Aouré, Ndendory, Ogo, Nabadji Civol, Bokidiawé and Orefondé", he explained.

Regarding the implementation of the project in these communes, he emphasized that the ACF, in partnership with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), will be carrying out activities relating to agricultural production, market gardening, and the processing and valorization of local products.

Training, monitoring, coordination, capitalization and economic and social integration in the areas concerned are among the activities selected by the project's initiators.


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