France/Music and friendship marked the 40th anniversary of the twinning between Plouzané and Kilrush
The Office for Exchanges in Plouzané (Opep) marked St. Patrick's Day and the 40th anniversary of the twinning between Plouzané and Kilrush (Ireland).
A musical meeting with Les Paddys, musicians from Kilrush and its region, was held at the Korrigan on Friday, March 24, 2023. It was followed, the next day, by a meeting in the squares of Kilrush and Scattery, in the presence of members of Opep, musicians and the mayor, Yves Du Buit. "These meetings, which aim to revive the relationship between our two cities, have allowed us to look back on forty years of friendship and to draw up new perspectives for the future," said Jacques Guillerm, President of Opep.