France/ Lanmodez. Schoolchildren discover hedges

Published on 15/06/2024 | La rédaction


On Monday afternoon, Lannion-Trégor communauté (LTC), in partnership with the environmental education association War-Dro an Natur, organized an activity to raise awareness among schoolchildren of the usefulness of hedgerows.

CM pupils from Lézardrieux and Lanmodez met in a field belonging to Philippe Capitaine, a vegetable grower and defender of the bocage. Over the past ten years, he has replanted more than 2.5 km of embankments around his plots. This meeting is an opportunity to show children how embankments and hedges have evolved over the years, their fauna and flora, and their usefulness", explained Jakez Lintanff, from War-Dro an Natur. This activity is in line with the strategy for bocage in the Jaudy-Guindy-Bizien-côtiers watersheds of the agglomeration, as a support for biodiversity", added Véronique Prigent, in charge of bocage at LTC.

Breiz bocage provided 50% of the funding, with LTC and the Kerjaulez and Jaudy water syndicates paying the remainder.


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