Cameroon: Yaoundé hosts the 5th edition of Global Entrepreneurship Week

Published on 17/11/2023 | La rédaction


The 5th edition of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Cameroon (GECW) kicked off on Tuesday in Yaoundé, under the theme "Networking as a tool for the development of youth entrepreneurship". This edition of SMEC aims to sensitize one million young entrepreneurs to the promotion and use of "Networking" in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, said Achille Bassilekin III, Cameroon's Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts.

According to the Minister, the aim is to demonstrate to young people the importance of networking and working in interest groups to share information and business opportunities. It's an ideal opportunity to showcase the creativity of young people and further stimulate their interest in entrepreneurship, as a complement to training programs focusing on general knowledge. This year's activities are taking place simultaneously in all ten regions of Cameroon, and involve a number of key players.

According to the Ministry of SMEs, this event is an ideal opportunity to " exalt the creative genius of young people and encourage their interest in entrepreneurship, in addition to general knowledge-based training curricula".

In launching this 5th edition on November 14, 2023 at the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de l'Information et de la Communication (ESSTIC), MINPMEESA Achille BASSILLEKIN III, who was joined by MINEFOP Issa MINEFOP Issa Tchiroma BAKARI, asked the institution's students to be job creators and providers, not job seekers. The two members of the government took the opportunity to raise awareness among these students of the many support structures available for this purpose.

The activities of this year's event involve the sectoral administrations in charge of youth, training, education and local development; the sectoral administrations' youth programs; managers of entrepreneurship clubs; start-ups, managers of public and private incubators, success-story bearers, pupils/students and development partners.

To encourage the considerable growth in the number of young people and adults with the technical and professional skills needed for employment and/or quality entrepreneurship in the trades driving industrializationindustrialization, it is important that the sectoral administrations in charge of youth education and training (MINEDUB, MINESEC, MINESUP, MINPMEESA, MINEFOP) define a framework for collaboration to spread the entrepreneurial spirit from the earliest age. It is equally important to involve entrepreneurs in this process, so as to prepare a generation of young entrepreneurs who are patriotic and willing to put their creative genius at the service of the Nation.

Entrepreneurship Week, which runs until November 17, is expected to address a range of issues linked to the development of entrepreneurship in Cameroon, including competitiveness, technological adaptation, strengthening the supply side and financing.


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