Burkina Faso/Statistical data from administrative sources: Special delegations in central Burkina Faso receive training on their importance

Published on 05/07/2024 | La rédaction

Burkina Faso

The Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie (INSD) is raising awareness among the special delegations of the Centre region of the importance of statistical data from administrative sources. A workshop opened on Thursday, July 4, 2024 in Ouagadougou, to reinforce their capacities in this area. The opening ceremony was chaired by Edith Tapsoba, representative of the Director of INSD.

To raise awareness among the presidents of special delegations of the importance of administrative data sources in the planning, implementation and evaluation of policies and programs at local level. This is the main objective of a capacity-building workshop organized by the Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie (INSD) for the special delegations of the Centre region.
The aim of the workshop is to explain the concept of administrative data and its relevance to decision-making. It will also highlight the responsibility of local authorities in the production of data and its use in various fields such as health, education and economic development.

In addition to these aspects, they will address the illustration of best practices in the use of these data from administrative sources for policy analysis and formulation, and so on.
The president of the ceremony, Édith Tapsoba, described these statistical data from administrative sources as decision-making tools. More specifically, she said, they provide information on many aspects of social life, enabling us to anticipate needs in all areas of life.
That's why, before concluding her opening address, she informed these first officials of the communes of the Centre that this is a sharing of experiences and that everyone is called upon to contribute so that, from now on, the question of statistical data is mastered.

As for the beneficiaries (the SDPs), they feel that if this training had not been organized, a way would have had to be found to do so, because appropriating statistical data from administrative sources is a means of improving the quality of information.They say that appropriating statistical data from administrative sources is a means of good governance, as it provides information that meets the real needs of the population.

This training course on statistical data for SDPs is part of the implementation of the Project for the Harmonization and Improvement of Statistics in West Africa (PHASAO) involving seven countries, including Burkina Faso.

Source: lefaso.net/

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