Algeria/ Fair for micro-enterprises owned by people with special needs

Published on 15/06/2024 | La rédaction


The Minister for National Solidarity, the Family and the Status of Women, Kaouthar Krikou, supervised the opening of the Fair for micro-enterprises owned by people with special needs at the Promenade des Sablettes in Algiers on Thursday.

In a speech delivered on this occasion, Madame Krikou, accompanied by the Minister of the Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises, Yacine El Mehdi Oualid, the Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, Mokhtar Didouche, and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Rola Dashti, who is visiting Algeria, highlighted the interest shown by the State in people with special needs.Rola Dashti, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), who is visiting Algeria, highlighted the interest shown by the State in people with special needs, recalling the legal arsenal and national programs in place for the protection, promotion and socio-professional integration of this fringe of society.

She added that the fair was part of a drive to strengthen the socio-economic integration of people with special needs, providing them with support and assistance.

The aim, she added, was also to showcase their abilities and skills, enabling them to contribute to national growth.

For his part, the Minister for the Knowledge Economy, Start-ups and Micro-enterprises explained that the event was aimed at promoting innovation in the field of entrepreneurship and highlighting the capabilities of people with special needs. highlight the capacities of people with special needs, enabling them to create micro-businesses, notably through micro-credit, with a view to contributing to national development efforts.

In her turn, Ms. Rola Dashti praised Algeria's experience in taking care of people with special needs, notably through support and guidance mechanisms in the field of entrepreneurship.

On the sidelines of the fair, a presentation was given on an electronic guide for the orientation and support of people with special needs in terms of economic integration, developed by the national solidarity sector in coordination with the sectors of health, education and the environment. in coordination with the Vocational Training, Tourism and Knowledge Economy sectors, containing information on rehabilitation and training, as well as support and accompaniment mechanisms for this group.


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