Bénin/Maillage des 34 zones sanitaires du Bénin pour la sécurité des patients : More than 150 managers trained and assigned

Published on 11/02/2025 | La rédaction


Following the deployment of the patient safety system, the Health Sector Regulatory Authority (A.R.S.) felt it necessary to strengthen the capacities of healthcare establishments' quality of care and patient safety committees. With this in mind, and with a view to facilitating the implementation of the said system, a training process for a cohort of 150 trainers was launched, culminating in Dassa-Zoumè, on Friday February 07, 2025.

The objective has been achieved, exceeding forecasts. The A.R.S. has just provided the country's thirty-four (34) health zones with over one hundred and fifty well-equipped trainers on patient safety.

Who are these trainers?

Front-line operational players in the national health system, they include members of the Cabinet of the Minister of Health and of the National Councils, executives of the Ministry of Health's Technical Divisions, Directors of the Health Department, and the Director of the Health Department.re de la santé, departmental health directors, health zone coordinating doctors, directors and staff of public and private health establishments.

What is their mission?

Trainers are called upon to provide training for members of patient safety governance committees in healthcare establishmentsby disseminating best practices, so as to ensure the gradual establishment of a patient safety culture throughout the national healthcare ecosystem.

What does training involve?

To enable them to play this role effectively, the members of the third cohort, like their predecessors, were put through their paces.In order to be able to play this role effectively, members of the third cohort, like their predecessors, were put in a learning and group work situation, and then really took to it, with a clear desire to improve their understanding and knowledge of the device's content. The communications delivered on this occasion are enriched by nineteen (19) modules, some of which were immediately put to the test during the practical phase, which took place in five health establishments: Dassa-Zoumè zone hospital, Abrracio hospital, Gomé health center, Gbaffo health center, Les Anges practice in Dassa-Zoumè.

The reports from this phase are conclusive, and indicate that the members of the 3rd cohort have taken better control of the system. This seems to echo the wise introductory remarks of the President of A.R.S.. Indeed, at the opening of the workshop, Dr Lucien DOSSOU-GBETE, for it is he who is in charge, predicted that, as a result of the successive improvements made to the modules in the light of the lessons learnt from the first two sessions, as well as the training provided by the A.R.S., the A.R.S. and the A.R.S., it would be possible to achieve a better understanding of the system by the members of the cohort.sessions, as well as the training of specialized national trainers conducted by WHO last week, the present session, which is the third in this process, will prove to be the best in terms of technique and strategy for appropriating the system. In fact, this omen has come true.

For all that, the Ministry of Health's assurance that the system is firmly anchored in patient safety is firm. and was reiterated by the Project Manager, Dr Elisée KINKPE and the Cabinet Director, Dr Pétas AKOGBETO. By reaffirming the commitment of the Minister of Health to the unfailing implementation of patient safety measures in all healthcare establishments. The Cabinet Director also shed light on a number of strategies to speed up the process.

Present at the workshop, the Health Advisor to the President of the Republic, Dr Aristide TALON, expressed his satisfaction with the organization, the relevance of the modules and the attendance of participants. All of which prompted him to go beyond patient safety to address the issue of caring for the dead, which remains a major problem in Benin.nin remains a major problem, despite substantial legislative and regulatory advances in this area in recent years.

It should be noted that the workshop participants left Dassa-Zoumè with a commitment to send the A.R.S. the schedule for the cascade of training courses they will be deploying in their health areas within a fortnight.

In addition, in order to confirm the interest, assiduity and involvement of all concerned in the success of this training process, the A.R.S. issued a certificate of attendance.to each member of the third cohort.

Source: www.gouv.bj/

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