Benin - Mental health: Tostan and GIZ launch the "Ecosystem engagement for citizen-led peace and social cohesion" project

Published on 03/01/2025 | La rédaction


Access to resources, tensions between herders and farmers, poverty, unemployment and the marginalization of certain social groups continue to fuel the risk of violent extremism in northern Benin in recent years, calling for collaborative and inclusive solutions. Funded by the Fonds Régional de Stabilisation et de Développement (FRSD), this project by ECOWAS and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) aims to promote social cohesion in Benin's fragile regions by building the capacity of key players such as policy-makers, civil society organizations (particularly women and young people), and agro-pastoral networks to address mental health and psychosocial issues.

Often the first victims of the socio-economic consequences of conflict, the project focuses on the mental health of women, young people and vulnerable groups. Their emotional and physical well-being is an essential element not only in ensuring their individual resilience, but also in fostering strong social cohesion at community level. According to Yussuf Sané, Program Leadership Team Coordinator, Tostan " cohesion requires that people have access to contextually and culturally appropriate approaches to addressing their mental health and well-being. It is crucial to create an inclusive environment where every stakeholder, especially women, young people and marginalized groups, can flourish and actively contribute to building collective well-being. This strengthens the resilience and solidarity of communities".

Through a series of interactive knowledge-sharing seminars, the various players will be trained in the key principles of Tostan's non-formal education model, centered on human rights and rooted in African cultural values. In other words, the project's approach is based on synergy between these players, who are building collaborative solutions with grassroots conflict prevention mechanisms, a guarantee of inclusive governance and shared, equitable resource management.

Synergistic cooperation on a regional scale adapted to local needs

The overall aim of the launch event was to present the FRSD's social cohesion measures in Benin, and to discuss ways of ensuring the project's effectiveness through synergistic cooperation tailored to local needs. More specifically, the launch aimed to create a common understanding of the project's scope and objectives by region, among partners at community level. It also defined roles and responsibilities, as well as communication channels for the partners involved in project implementation, and provided a platform for synergy with the various stakeholders in the country.

Based in Senegal, Tostan is a community development organization that has been committed for over 30 years to empowering communities to realize their vision of well-being based on respect for human rights. Tostan works in five West African countries, deploying holistic programs that touch on a number of areas, including the empowerment of women and girls, the protection of children's rights, the promotion of éThese include the empowerment of women and girls, the protection of children's rights, the promotion of education, the improvement of maternal and child health, environmental protection, respect for human rights and the abandonment of harmful social practices such as child marriage and female circumcision.

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education, GIZ has more than 50 years' experience in a wide range of fields.rience in a wide range of fields, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, as well as peace and security. The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand all over the world - from the German government, European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector and the governments of other countries. It works with companies, civil society players and research institutions, promoting successful interaction between development policy and other areas of policy and activity. GIZ's main sponsor is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Finally, the ECOWAS Stabilization and Regional Development Fund (ESRDF) is a collaborative program aimed at strengthening and stabilizing fragile regions within ECOWAS member states.ECOWAS member states by promoting resilience to crises and creating sustainable economic opportunities for vulnerable groups, particularly women, young people and returning migrants.


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