Morocco/Promoting female entrepreneurship: Letter of intent signed between Casablanca-Settat Region and AFEM

Published on 14/12/2024 | La rédaction


Casablanca - On Friday, the Casablanca-Settat Regional Council and the Association des Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM) signed a letter of intent to support the implementation of the "She Start" and "She Digital" axes contained in the "She Impulse" program launched by AFEM.

The signing of this document, which comes on the occasion of AFEM's presentation of its new 2025-2026 strategic roadmap, under the banner "She Impulse: Créateur de valeurs", is part of the Casablanca-Settat Regional Development Plan (PDR), in particular the "Enterprise, Innovation and Employment" axis. The main aim is to boost the competitiveness of very small and small enterprises (VSE/SME) run by women.

With the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Casablanca-Settat Region, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), TamwilCom, CIH Bank and the Moroccan Industrial Property Office, the project is designed to promote the development of the Moroccan economy.Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et Commerciale (OMPIC), the "She Impulse" program aims to strengthen the role of women entrepreneurs in the creation of economic and social value in Morocco.

In practice, it is designed to encourage innovation, digitalization, the integration of sustainable practices and the opening up of international markets, in addition to strengthening women entrepreneurs' ability to access financing and promoting the regionalization of female entrepreneurship.

In a statement to MAP, the President of the Casablanca-Settat Regional Council, Abdellatif Maazouz, stressed the importance of this partnership for the region. "This agreement is part of our regional development approach, with a particular focus on the economic integration of women entrepreneurs. We are delighted to join forces with AFEM to promote business creation and innovation in our region", he said.

He continued: "This agreement marks a further step forward in supporting female entrepreneurship in the Casablanca-Settat region. The "She Start" and "She Digital" programs will provide women entrepreneurs with specialized training, personalized support, as well as access to technological resources and tools to help them develop innovative and competitive businesses".

The aim of this meeting, Mr. Maazouz maintained, is "to launch an ambitious program for female entrepreneurship, perfectly in line with our regional development plan, aimed at economically integrating women, particularly through entrepreneurship".

"This is an important milestone, to present AFEM's roadmap for 2025-2026, which is based on five strategic axes: digital "She Digital", green "She Green", learning with the "She Learn" platform, integrating women into industry "She Industrial" and "She Green".She Industrial" and "She Start", announced AFEM President Leila Doukali during her presentation of the program.

"The partnership with the Casablanca-Settat region is an invaluable support for women entrepreneurs", she was pleased to say.It will enable us to strengthen the "She Start" and "She Digital" programs, and to support even more women in the creation and management of innovative and sustainable businesses".

This strategic partnership, she pointed out, aims to create a favorable ecosystem for women's entrepreneurship and encourage local initiatives, thus contributing to the economic development of the Casablanca-Settat region.gion Casablanca-Settat, noting that with this program and the partnerships signed, AFEM intends to transform the Moroccan entrepreneurial ecosystem by promoting excellence, innovation and the inclusion of women in strategic sectors of the economy.

The ceremony was also marked by the signing of an agreement between AFEM and the Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office (OMPIC) to support young female entrepreneurs. This partnership provides support for initiatives to create companies and startups, by facilitating access to industrial property and offering resources for the creation and growth of innovative businesses.


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