Canada/MRC de Kamouraska: Council adopts 2025 budget

Published on 13/12/2024 | La rédaction


The Kamouraska MRC Board has adopted a balanced budget for 2025.$10,364,344 has been announced, compared with $10,718,401 for 2024.

The decrease is the result of the termination of several major projects, notably the development of the Plan d'intervention en infrastructures routières locales pour le territoire du Kamouraska, which had funding of $430,777 for 2024. In addition, the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation announced the end of the Fonds régions et ruralité envelope that supported the development of mycology in Kamouraska. The MRC has had to withdraw $354,063 from the 2025 budget. The council is fighting tooth and nail to preserve this initiative.

The changes to the budget result in a share of $2,820,152 to be distributed among the 17 municipalities and the 2 Unorganized Territories (TNO), Picard and Petit-Lac-Sainte-Anne. This represents an increase of $235,139 or 8% over 2024. This increase is mainly due to the sharp rise in the cost of transporting and processing materials at ecocentres, with an additional cost of nearly $120,000 forecast for 2025.

Added to this are higher operating costs and reduced financial assistance for public and paratransit. Under the Transport Act, municipalities are required to provide paratransit services and manage public transit services.

In addition, new government obligations linked to the Climate Plan and new government orientations in land use planning require the creation of an administrative resource. "These obligations come with responsibilities and actions to be produced, but the government funding granted to us to carry them out is clearly insufficient," laments Kamouraska RCM Reeve Sylvain Roy.

Kamouraska's standardized property value (RFU) has risen from $3,006,085,000 to $3,422,479,874, an increase of $416,394,874. It's important to remember that a municipality's UFR makes it possible to evaluate and compare its capacity to generate property tax revenues and compensation. It also provides a basis for allocating certain expenses at the MRC level.

The MRC has submitted an application for financial assistance under the residual envelope of the Fonds régions et ruralité, with a view to implementing the Politique régionale d'habitation. This initiative will enable the MRC to provide municipalities with the tools they need to tackle the housing crisis.


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