Benin/Combating and preventing violent extremism: UNDP and the Kingdom of the Netherlands equip 1,000 members of the FDS
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, through the Projet d'Appui au Renforcement de la Cohésion Sociale, à la Prévention de l'Extrémisme Violent et à la Lutte contre les Conflits liés à la Transhumance (Support Project for Strengthening Social Cohesion, Preventing Violent Extremism and Combating Conflicts linked to Transhumance), have strengthened the capacities of 1.000 members of the defense and security forces (FDS) in the prevention and fight against violent extremism and conflicts linked to transhumance, including respect for human rights, particularly those of Peulhs exposed to recruitment by terrorist groups. These activities took place from November 13 to 23, 2024 in the communes of Parakou, Nikki, Kandi and Malanville for the Alibori and Borgou departments, and Djougou, Natitingou, Tanguiéta and Kouandé for the Atacora and Donga departments.
The aim of this activity was to make the actions of the FDS sensitive to the prevention of violent extremism. The aim was to equip the FDS in the reception and peaceful questioning of suspicious persons, while respecting their rights, with a view to contributing to peace. Specifically, the aim was to strengthen the capacities of at least 1,000 FDS, including 770 Republican Police officers, 60 customs officers, 60 foresters and 160 military personnel, in the prevention and fight against violent extremism and conflicts linked to the use of force.violent extremism and conflicts linked to transhumance, taking into account respect for human rights, the reception and peaceful questioning of suspicious persons, while respecting their rights, with a view to contributing to peace.
Indeed, studies carried out by the UNDP have shown that the actions of the FDS are the main cause of the final slide into violent extremism. This is mainly due to the fact that the FDS are often unfamiliar with radicalization processes, transhumance rules and human rights. As a result, their actions are often brutal, violating human rights and therefore often considered by the population as unjust. Hence the initiative for these capacity-building sessions.
Participants included elements from the Republican Police's departmental directorates (Directions Départementales de la Police Républicaine - DDPR), specialized units of the Republican Police, and central police stations.publicaine, central and district police stations, the Beninese Armed Forces (FAB), Water, Forestry and Hunting units, the Groupement National des Sapeurs-Pompiers and Customs units.
To implement this activity, two-day training sessions were organized for the beneficiaries. Each training session featured four presentations.
Communication 1 is entitled: "Extrémisme violent et terrorisme au Benin: Enjeux et stratégies de prévention et de lutte"; Communication 2 is entitled: " Extrémisme Violent et Terrorisme et Droits Humains : -Enrôlements ciblés de communautés (Peuhl)-Enjeux du respect des DH dans la lutte contre l'EVT. The title of Communication 3 is: "EVT, gender, women and youth". Communication 4 deals with: "EVT et Communication-Eléments de langages ;-Bonnes pratiques".