Morocco/Dakhla: Protection of migrants' rights the focus of a training workshop
The protection of migrants' rights was the focus of a training workshop organized on Monday in Dakhla, on the initiative of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH). Supervised by the Human Rights Protection and Monitoring Department of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), this training workshop is part of the implementation of the CRDH's annual action plan, in its section on capacity building for stakeholders and actors working in the field of migration.
The training session enabled participants to consolidate their knowledge of migration and human rights issues, with a view to improving the quality of services offered to migrants, while guaranteeing their fundamental rights.
Speaking on the occasion, Maimouna Essayed, Chairwoman of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab CRDH, stressed that the aim of the training workshop was to build bridges between the various stakeholders concerned by the migration issue, and to strengthen the capacities of institutional players in this field.
Migration is a major issue in the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region", she continued, underlining the need to strengthen the capacities of institutional and social players.The issue of migration represents a major challenge for the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region," she continued, underlining the need to strengthen the capacities of institutional and civil society players, in order to better address issues relating to the protection of migrants' rights, according to a humanitarian approach based on human rights.
For his part, Abderrafie Hamdi, Director of Human Rights Monitoring and Protection at the CNDH, emphasized that Morocco, through its national immigration and asylum strategy, has adopted a humanist and global approach to migration issues, noting that the Kingdom aims to be an African leader in migration governance.
Mr. Hamdi stressed the need to engage in debate with institutional and civil society players to ensure better governance of migration.
The training workshop featured presentations on "Migration and asylum: axes clés de la politique nationale", "Séjour et intégration des étrangers au Maroc: enjeux de protection" and "Le droit d'asile: protection et accès aux droits des réfugiés".