France/Salies-du-Salat. Life-saving techniques for local schools

Published on 10/05/2024 | La rédaction


The Armand Latour secondary school has signed a partnership agreement with the Aspet fire department, which will welcome 24 volunteer 4th grade students on two Wednesday mornings (next appointment Wednesday May 15) to learn life-saving techniques for domestic and other accidents.

The Aspet college also welcomed trainers from Groupama. The generalist mutual insurance group offers a vast training program, committed to raising public awareness and training 1 million French people in life-saving techniques, free of charge, through physical training and digital tutorials.

A morning of prevention,

60 students trained

A training event organized by Groupama took place on March 18. This prevention morning was attended by 60 CM2 and 6e pupils from Aspet schools. Two trainers delivered four two-hour training sessions. Each session was offered to a group of 15 pupils. The initiative is part of the schoolchildren's civic education program, with the aim of providing everyone with a basic knowledge of health and prevention. Groupama d'Oc is committed to continuing its actions in schools to raise awareness and educate young people.

Under the guidance of local experts, participants learn how to recognize cardiac arrest, use a defibrillator, and react in the event of choking, fainting or bleeding. These are all situations that can happen at any time, and for which you need to be able to count on the right people. Every minute lost counts, and on average it takes 14 minutes for emergency services to arrive on the scene. Everyone has a role to play, and may one day be the decisive link in a victim's survival.


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