Réunion/Bois de lettres sets up in 9 towns to celebrate the International Day of Living Together in Peace

Published on 10/05/2024 | La rédaction


To mark the UN's International Day of Living Together in Peace on May 16, the Réunion Métis association is launching the third edition of the "Bois de Lettres" event, this year in 9 communes across the island. A creative, participatory initiative designed to strengthen ties between residents and promote cultural diversity.

Installations to question living together...

Bois de Lettres invites the people of Reunion to write messages of togetherness on postcards, which they can then hang on trees selected in nine different communes across the island. This ephemeral artistic installation creates a "foliage" of memories, anecdotes and messages of peace, symbolizing unity and solidarity. The tree, symbol of La Réunion's mixed-race culture, represents the multiplicity of its roots and its unity. Bois de Lettres draws on this metaphor to encourage sharing between the island's communities, because doing things together is the foundation of living together. Each postcard sent to another participant from a different corner of the island reinforces this network of natural and human connections. The Réunion Métis association is behind this event:

"Bois de Lettres is much more than a simple initiative; it's a call for mutual understanding, inclusion and respect for the diversity that makes our island so rich.

By encouraging everyone to share their stories and aspirations, we are strengthening the social fabric and cultural network of La Réunion, so as to build a peaceful and sustainable future," declared Pascal Thiaw kine, President of Bois de Lettres.clarified Pascal Thiaw kine, President of the Réunion Métis association ...during the International Day for Living Together, celebrated in 9 of the island's communes.

Established by the United Nations (UN) on December 8, 2017, the International Day for Living Together in Peace aims to promote peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding and solidarity among all individuals, regardless of race, religion, nationality or cultural affiliation. It is in line with the United Nations Charter, and embodies the determination to save future generations from the scourge of war.

The first letter tree saw the light of day in 2020. Since then, it has appeared at a number of events across the island. This is the third edition of Bois de Lettre. The previous edition took place in 6 communes, but has since attracted new participants. So, on May 16, residents of Saint-Benoît, Saint-Denis L'Etang-Salé, Saint-Paul, Entre-Deux, Saint-Pierre, La Possession, Bras Panon and Saint-Joseph will be able to take part in this 2024 edition. The event has been made possible by the mobilization of cultural and neighborhood associations.

Each site will host exhibitions and shows (choir, kapoera, Maloya, reading workshops, fonker, flashmob, laughter yoga, lotto, domino, mosaic, origami, wheel race, storytelling, etc.). For the full program by town, visit reunionmetis.re.

In partnership with the Université de La Réunion's international symposium on living together

The Bois de Lettres event is associated with the program of the International Colloquium "Le Vivre Ensemble Entre utopie et réalité", organized by the University's LCF and DRIRE laboratories from May 14 to 16, 2024. The colloquium brings together 52 international researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, including Canada, New Caledonia, Europe and India. Researchers on the island will be actively involved in the Bois de Lettres installations, visiting La Réunion and selected sites across the island.

This partnership reinforces the Réunion Métis association's commitment to living together, by integrating academic and international perspectives into this local initiative. It also offers a unique platform for exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge and promoting concrete actions for a more inclusive and supportive world, and in favor of doing things together.

Source: www.msn.com/

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