Haiti/CRI gets involved in local governance in the Upper North West

Published on 23/03/2022 | La rédaction


Trainings, conferences and excursions are among the activities planned as part of a CRI project aimed at the development of the youth of Saint-Louis du Nord.

The Cellule de Réflexion et d'Intervention (CRI), working in Saint-Louis du Nord, is carrying out a new project in partnership with the Initiative Développement (ID), called "Les jeunes porteurs de changement dans le Haut Nord-Ouest >>.

Launched in May 2021 in the commune of Saint-Louis du Nord, this project is spread over a period of 18 months. It aims to involve young people in the social, economic and political affairs of their community, says the CRI in a document sent to Loop-Haiti.

This project will reach different groups of young people in the communal sections and downtown, through documentary film screenings, conference-debates, awareness mobiles, radio broadcasts, seminars, excusions, reading sessions, among others.

These activities will be based on key themes, such as gender equity, leadership and entrepreneurship, social inclusion and citizen participation, human rights and citizen responsibility, says CRI.

CRI, stressing that local authorities, youth associations will also be involved in the implementation of this project.

At the end of the implementation of the activities, the leaders say they hope that many young people will be sensitized and have an individual and collective awareness of the problems faced by the community.

They also hope that the youth will cultivate living together, tolerance and mutual respect by engaging and getting positively involved in all community activities.

This project comes in a context of socio-political crisis that particularly affects the youth who are the majority in the country. In relation to the threats to the future of this social category in Haiti, this project is of extreme importance to CRI.

<< Education, information, awareness and training of young people remain the most effective means, both to prepare young people to face this uncertain world and to prevent, disarm and reintegrate young people in situations of marginalization of delinquency and

The coordinator of the CRI, James Joseph, believes that this project is part of the CRI's strategy to improve the quality of life of young people.

He indicates that this project is part of the objective and vision of the said structure which is to << contribute to the emancipation of responsible citizens.>>

The Cellule de Réflexion et d'Intervention (CRI) was founded on May 12, 2007, in Saint-Louis du Nord with a group of young university students. It is a local non-profit organization working in several areas, including culture, education and the environment.

Source: haiti.loopnews.com

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