France/ A recovery plan for the local economy

Published on 14/04/2021 | La rédaction


François Sauvadet, President of the Departmental Council, met on Monday with Geoffroy Secula, President of the CPME 21, to take stock of the local economic situation and to present the departmental plan for solidarity and recovery. Below is the press release.

"As I do every year with all the representatives of the economic world of the department, it is important to bring us together to present you the actions and means of the Department. This meeting is even more meaningful this year, as we must meet the challenge of the health, economic and social crisis together," emphasized President Sauvadet before presenting in greater detail the 2021 budget and the community's €32 million recovery plan. With €110 million of investment in 2021, an unprecedented level, the departmental authority is and remains the leading public investor in the Côte-d'Or.

In fact, the Côte-d'Or department contributes over 70% of public spending through its roadworks, its work on departmental buildings (especially schools), its projects to improve the quality of life of the population, and its work on the environment.It also provides subsidies to local authorities to carry out their projects. The Department will maintain a continuous flow of public orders to support and even boost activity, bearing in mind that 2/3 of public order contracts are awarded to Côte d'Or companies. "Côte-d'Or companies must know that the commitments made by the Department will be kept, crisis or no crisis," said the President, who explained that, despite the withdrawal of the economic competence clause since the entry into force of the NoTRré law in 2015, the Department continues to support the local economy indirectly, in compliance with the legislative framework.

Regarding specific aid to face the crisis, the Department has:

Paid more than €530,000 in social benefits in 2020 to families of entrepreneurs, craftsmen and traders.

Granted more than €765,000 in aid to non-salaried workers since the beginning of the pandemic - 542 beneficiaries (companies with less than or equal to 10 employees, who have experienced a reduction in their business). 10, having experienced a reduction in their income of at least 35% compared to the same reference period in 2019) Granted repayable advances for a total amount of €30,000 (3 beneficiaries)

Authorised 541 people to combine their RSA with their wages for the same number of people working in sectors under pressure

Created a specific aid of €6,000 for commercial unions and a 10% increase in aid for actions promoting the "Savoir-Faire 100% Côte-d'Or" brand, with 115 structures already labelled.


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