Togo: Dodzi Kokoroko announces "project schools" for the 2024-2025 school year

Published on 18/09/2024 | La rédaction


In Togo, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has announced a series of priorities for the new academic year 2024-2025, including the introduction of "project schools", an initiative that aims to combine theory and practice in schools. These "project schools" aim to transform each school into an agent of change, by enabling students to carry out concrete projects linked to their learning.

Theory and practice

" Each school develops a project that is the result of the learning process," says the Minister in charge, Dodzi Kokoroko, in a note dated September 09.

Examples include the installation of solar panels to light a classroom, the manufacture of water filters to solve problems of access to drinking water, the creation of vegetable gardens and the reforestation of local plant species. Computer courses are also planned for schools equipped with computers.

To support these initiatives, the Ministry plans to provide documentary resources, equipment and qualified supervisors. " Every school must assume its responsibilities ", said the Minister, stressing the importance of active participation by schools.


In addition, six other priorities were defined by the government in the public memo. These include optimizing the deployment of teaching and administrative staff, in-service teacher training and the introduction of an evaluation system to fine-tune educational strategies. Lastly, the Ministry intends to strengthen collaboration with partners in the education sector and implement the guidelines defined for the 2023-2024 school year.

In Togo, the new academic year began this week for primary and secondary schools, on Monday September 16, 2024.


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