Vietnam/ Phu Nhuân district achieves goal of eradicating household poverty

Published on 28/07/2024 | La rédaction

Viet Nam

On July 23, Phu Nhuân district announced the recognition of this locality as having achieved the goal of no more poor households, according to Ho Chi Minh City's multidimensional poverty standard for the period 2021-2025.

At present, Phu Nhuân has 13 districts and almost 47,300 households. At the start of the 2021 - 2025 period, the district still had 639 poor households, or 2,688 people (1.35% of households) and 447 near-poor households, or 1,741 people (0.95% of households). Local authorities have focused on directing and effectively implementing practical and comprehensive poverty reduction guidelines and policies, through the mobilization of resources to combat poverty among poor and near-poor households, and the encouragement of household self-reliance. Through a variety of measures, the implementation of the poverty reduction program is made sustainable, thus avoiding relapses into poverty.

By March 31, 2024, Phu Nhuân district no longer had any poor households, and the number of near-poor households had fallen to 292, or 1.352 people (representing 0.62% of households), one year ahead of the target date set by the resolution of the 12th Party Congress of Phu Nhuân.

To successfully implement this program, Phu Nhuân district has focused on mobilizing resources to carry out social security work and promoting capital to support poverty reduction.

Earlier this year, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee had also announced its decision to recognize Boroughs 3 and 7 as having achieved the goal of having no more poor households according to the city's multidimensional poverty standard for the period 2021-2025.

In 2023, the5th arrondissement was the first locality to reach this target, two years ahead of schedule. The Binh Tân district of Thu Duc town also has virtually no poor households by the city's standards.

Since the end of 2022, Ho Chi Minh City has had almost no poor or near-poor households by national standards, but 8,239 by city standards.

Ho Chi Minh City's poverty reduction program is being researched, and the city's poverty line is higher than the national poverty line. Over the period 2021-2025, the City will implement a sustainable poverty reduction program using a multidimensional poverty measurement method comprising 5 dimensions and 10 basic indicators of unfavorable social conditions.

According to the Municipal Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, at the beginning of 2024, the city had 22,867 poor and near-poor households by city standards, representing 91,253 people or 0.9% of the total number of households in the city. Of these, 8,293 were poor households, or 0.33% of the city's total households.

The said department declared that the city was implementing numerous actions to eliminate all poor households according to city standards before April 30, 2025, when the 50th anniversary of national unification is celebrated.


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