Morocco-France/CDG and AFD explore avenues of cooperation to promote sustainable development

Published on 04/07/2024 | La rédaction

France, Maroc

Khalid Safir, CEO of Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG), held a working session in Paris on Tuesday with Rémy Rioux, CEO of Agence Française de Développement (AFD), focusing on ways of strengthening bilateral cooperation in favor of sustainable development.

In a statement to MAP at the end of the meeting, Mr. Safir said that the meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of the CDG-AFD relationship and joint projects. Safir said that the meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of the CDG-AFD relationship and joint projects, as well as to explore new avenues for collaboration, mainly in the fields of sustainable development, climate transition, and the financing of the social economy.

Discussions also focused on supporting Morocco in its major infrastructure projects, notably in the field of sports, he continued, noting that the CDG-AFD relationship is "multifaceted".

This cooperation, he explained, extends both to projects in Morocco and to multilateral projects, "since we are both members of international bodies".

For his part, Mr. Rioux emphasized that cooperation between the two French and Moroccan institutions is "long-standing", noting that it is based primarily on "trust".

"Today's meeting addressed sustainable finance, the greening of the economy, and the strengthening of the social and solidarity economy, with the aim ofincrease the social impact of public development banks' interventions", the French official told MAP.

Discussions also focused on supporting Morocco in its major infrastructure projects, particularly in the field of sports, he continued, noting that the CDG-AFD relationship is "multifaceted".

This cooperation, he explained, extends both to projects in Morocco and to multilateral projects, "since we are both members of international bodies".

For his part, Mr. Rioux emphasized that cooperation between the two French and Moroccan institutions is "long-standing", noting that it is based primarily on "trust".

"Today's meeting addressed sustainable finance, the greening of the economy, and the strengthening of the social and solidarity economy, with the aim ofincrease the social impact of public development banks' interventions", the French official told MAP.


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